Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Peanut Butter Banana Breakfast Shake (Easy Recipe)

If you like easy...

If you like chocolate...

If you like peanut butter...

If you like bananas...

Well, then this latest creation from my partners over at Prograde Nutrition is right up your alley.

Check it out here ==>

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Monday, March 29, 2010

TRHC Bantam B team Wins Districts!

For the record, the Toms River Hockey Club Bantam B team earned every inch of this championship banner!

They worked as hard or harder than any team we've ever had the pleasure of working with!

They grew as players, people and as a team and their 2010 AAHA District Championship is proof that doing the right things will make the right things happen!

Way to go, boys!

So when will YOU get to the Athlete Underground?

Friday, March 26, 2010

Weird foods with great nutritional power!

It's still March, so it's still National Nutrition Month. Here are a couple more killer articles from my partners over at Prograde Nutrition to enlighten you.

This first article will knock your socks off. I mean, really, who knew that coffee beans were so much more than, well, coffee?

Next, you'll be stunned by how powerful Brussel Sprouts are. And Barley Grass, too. Bet you thought Barley was just for beer, right? ;-)

I'll be back soon with more awesome health, fitness and nutrition info!

Yours in health,
Phil & the crew at All-Star

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Protein Packed Iced Rasberry Mocha

Hey everybody!

Drinking those grande coffee drinks with whipped cream and sugar...well, they really aren't a good idea. Seriously, they pack about a zillion calories that don't do much for you - except pack on the belly flab.

But what if those drinks were nutritious? What if they were chock full of metabolism boosting protein?

Well, my partners over at Prograde just released this killer new Protein Packed Iced Rasberry Mocha recipe that you're going to love.

I'm not kidding, your taste buds won't believe this one! Check it out at:

Yours in health,

PS - And remember, Prograde is having a birthday party this week and celebrating with 15% off all their awesome products!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Put 4 Inches on your vertical in 40 seconds!

Here's All-Star Sports Academy's breakthrough vertical leap program:


Check out this video for more details:

Then check out the website at!

See you in the Athlete Underground!!

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