Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Heroism or Legacies Claimed?

11 years ago on a morning not unlike this one - sunny, crisp and with a blessed and welcome taste of the autumn to come filling the air, we are told by those who always view the world in retrospect and painful hindsight that a horrible tragedy befell the United States.

That the greatest nation on earth -
- the valiant ally counted on by so many, so often...
- the source of spiritual freedom of exploration and expression to so many for so long...
- the crucible where great ideas pass the test of intellectual fire, then move on to serve so many, so well...
- the deepest well of human compassion on earth, from whose waters so many have been healed and so many others set free of the enslavement of their pasts...
- the "Shining City on the Hill" to which so many yearned to come and share, contribute and add their spark of color to our already brilliant human tapestry...

was brazenly and viciously attacked in a wanton and soulless act that stunned the mind, lacerated the spirit and crushed the heart of all good people, everywhere.

2,819 dead, according to "official" accounts. Millions of others left dying inside, some never to recover.

2,819 potential legacies cut short, snuffed out before they could blossom.

Or were they?

When the dust had settled and the sabres began to rattle, stories began to emerge.

Not of pain, suffering and loss. We had those and will always have them.

Stories of those who chose legacy over loss.

Faith over fear.

Action over worry.

Service to others in a time of pain and peril over the pursuit of their own safety.

Heroes. Legacies claimed in a moment of pain, tragedy and unimaginable terror.

Cyril "Rick" Rescorla, Head of Security for Morgan Stanley at the World Trade Centers, had anticipated an attack on the buildings and put an evacuation plan in place. Rescorla died in the attacks while leading evacuation efforts.

Although Rescorla got most of Morgan Stanley's 2,700 employees safely out, he was last seen on the 10th floor, heading upward, when the WTC 2 tower collapsed. His remains were not found.

The 9 who saved John Abruzzo - John, a 6'4", 250 lb. man, worked on the 69th floor for the Port Authority. When the PA told employees to leave the building, John might easily have been left behind. You see, he is a  quadriplegic, and the elevators could not be used.

9 co-workers placed themselves at risk, taking turns carrying John through the narrow halls and down the stairs, 69 flights of stairs, through the smoke and airplane fuel fumes. Thankfully, all survived.

Todd Beamer, Tom Burnett, Mark Bingham and the passengers of Flight 93 - We know the story. Heroic. Ballsy. But can you imagine having to choose dying now over (maybe) dying later, so that others will live? In life-threatening situations, we often hold out hope that something will change, that a turn of events will make it all better.

Those passengers knew nothing was going to make it better. So they made a decision to take the remaining moments of their lives in their own hands and end a bigger threat to people they'd never met.

When the moment came to take action, 2 simple words exemplified their resolve. "Let's roll."

Father Mychal Judge - "Father Mike," upon hearing the news of the attacks, donned his FDNY Chaplains uniform and rushed toward the towers. He stopped momentarily when Mayor Giuliani said "pray for us" to assure the Mayor, saying "I always do...I always pray for you."

Father Mike died asking God to bless the dead and to put an end to the horrifying events of the day. He was doing what he implored firefighters and all of his flock to do, to "speak with God every day."

Members of New York's Bravest, who would rush a burning building without blinking an eye, knelt in sobbing heaps as the news of Father Mike's death was spread. Then, as the FDNY Chaplain would have had it, they rose up and returned to the work God had called them to - and honored his death with acts of heroism both simple and incredible.

The legacy of Father Mychal Judge lives on with them.

Officer Moira Smith, NYPD - The only female NYPD officer killed in the attacks, she entered and exited the burning buildings three times, saving dozens of lives.

She leaves behind a legacy of service and courage her now 14 year old daughter can be proud of.

Welles Crowther - A young man took a great job on the 104th floor of the WTC. Working as a trader for a brokerage, he was the epitome of young, New York energy and life.

On 9/11, his experiences as a teenage volunteer firefighter led him to action. Crowther saved at least 18 people, directing healthy people to assist the injured and returning to the burning South Tower at least 3 times before perishing when it fell.

Ron Bucca, NYPD Fire Marshal - Ron Bucca worked his way from the ground floor all the way to the 78th floor, directing people to the exits and assisting in rescues the entire way. Multiple rescuers have told of his assistance with their work, allowing them to free and rescue countless people and escape the WTC.

He was on the 78th floor, still looking for survivors and trying to assist escapes, when the tower collapsed. He was the only NYC Fire Marshal ever killed in the line of duty.

Heroism? No, these were the claims of legacy made by those who knew only that there was a need in a moment of crisis.

A need for clear heads.
A need for steady hands.
A need for courageous hearts.
A need for nerves of steel.
A need for spirits undaunted in the face of fear.
A need for persistent drive to do what is right and necessary in response to terror and fear.

Their legacy is of creating stories of acts bigger than those who performed them. Actions taken to serve others in ways most people simply wouldn't.

To have faith in the face of fear - ultimate faith that their path is the right one.
To choose action over worry - to move into the fray, rather than worry about what's next.
To choose service over chasing success - to serve in the moment with faith that the end result will be what's right.

These aren't just heroes of 9/11, these are the legacies claimed in the crucible of fear, terror and tragedy.

When faced with your next "big decision," will you choose as they have and claim your legacy? You need not surrender your life...only your fear, worry and the chase for success.

Faith, action and service. Claim your legacy.

The Heroes of 9/11 insist on it.

PS...this is by no means the complete list of those who claimed a legacy on 9/11. Each and every one of those brave souls has my undying respect.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Good, Great and Unstoppable!

I will always just shake my head at the athletes who tell me "I don't have time to train, I'm too busy, then spend hours at the mall, the beach etc., then countless hours on Facebook posting photos of their "not enough time."

I will always bury my irritation and impatience when they call 1.) lose their varsity spot to some "nobody" who put the time and work in to get there, 2.) pull a hamstring
or otherwise get injured, or 3.) don't get to play on the club team or the college at which they'd like to play.

You know who's busy? Navy SEALs are busy. Force Recon Marines are busy. Secret Service Agents are busy. And you know what?

They train. Hard. Every day.

And when the chips are down, they don't pull a hammy or lose their spot on the team to some rookie. Because they have seen their challenges and risen to them...

Athletes...when you realize that although you may not be able to have everything, you can have the things that matter most...IF you are willing to be and do what it takes to get them.

Before you blow this off, let me share a formula that works EVERY TIME IT'S TRIED...

Desire + hard, smart work + clarity of purpose = SUCCESS

For better or worse, you get what you earn.

If you are in the lineup, making an impact and having fun, you've earned that.

If you're riding the pines, sitting in the trainers' room or feeling the wrath of the coach, you've earned that as well.

I can help an athlete develop a plan for hard, smart work. No gimmicks, no "ooh shiny" high-tech gadgets, no magic bullets. Just the things that always work to improve the athletic skill-set.

I can help an athlete develop clarity of purpose.

To know the "why" that gets them out of a comfortable sleep at 5 AM to get to work building their athletic or academic resume`.

To understand the purpose for giving a little more when it feels like the next breath will be the last and the next rep will make them collapse.

To grasp the truth about why they must lift others around them UP, instead of holding them down, in order to be the leader that everyone NEEDS them to be.

But I cannot grow desire in their hearts and souls. That, my friends is organic.

And THAT is the difference between good, great and unstoppable...

What do you think? Leave a comment below or go here: All-Star on Facebook and join the conversation.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Option 2 - You Have Options!

If your kids are high school juniors and seniors in Toms River, you already know about Option II for Physical Education. Your kids don't have to take HS Phys. Ed. if they participate in 150 minutes of physical activity per week in order to fulfill their P.E. requirement.

All-Star has participated in the Option II program for the last 2 years, and will again in the 2012-2013 school year.

Why let your kids wander around some big-box gym like a magnet for trouble when you can have them work with the best trainers in the area?

For ONLY $79/month, your HS Junior or Senior will get:
  • A full 5 Point Movement Assessment designed to identify any muscle imbalances or movement issues that may prevent progress or lead to injury!
  • A Personalized fitness training program (3 different workouts per week!) based on your child's assessment, history and goals!
  • Trainers assigned to run the Option 2 program. Not some health club numnutz, etiher...and ALL-STAR trainer! 
  • A freshly-designed program every 4 weeks
  • A 30 minute consult with our in-house Youth Nutritionist to help identify the dietary "land mines" effecting health and wellness!
  • Their choice of All-Star Sports Academy t-shirt! Any color, any style!
  • A safe, healthy, results-oriented environment!
A scientifically rational, trainer-designed and trainer-supervised fitness program. All for about ont-tenth of what you would invest in a trainer at the "health club."
Of course, you could sign them up for the $19.99/month "Globo-Gym" Big Box McFitness experience. But before you do, here's a quick video describing some of the people your kid will meet while "working out" there:

Get the safe, effective exercise programming your kids need, even if they aren't athletes! Of course, if they are athletes, ask us about Athletic Transformation, the best sports preparation program anywhere!

Call us at 732-597-3725 with questions!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Eating Your Fruits and Veggies? This May Help!

This is a repost of an old and very popular article...

It's recommended that we eat 6-10 fruits and vegetables a day. That's what's been suggested to maximize vitamin, mineral and antioxidant intake to maintain good health, healthy weight and avoid the conditions and diseases associated with poor diet and obesity. Here in the States it is reported the actual average of fruits and veggies eaten each day is just 2.

Yup, just 2.

Now, I don't know where you stand on this, but overall, it really is a sad state of nutritional affairs. We live in a world where we're constantly under time, work, family and other stresses. We often reach for the foods that are most convenient, but not always the ones that are most nutritious.

Unfortunately, potato chips may be made from potatoes (maybe) but they don't count as vegetables. And "drinking" your veggies in the form of some mutated fruit juice is not going to get it done either.

Coffee comes from a plant and beer is made from grains (barley malt, wheat) and "veggies" (hops) but these don't fill the bill, either. It would be nice if they did, but no dice.

But do not despair! It's not that tough to get more fruits and veggies in each day.

Here are some super simple tips to get you started:
1) Buy 'em already chopped
Look, I can be lazy, too;-) There's nothing wrong with not wanting to go through the hassle of having to chop up fruits and veggies. If you want to buy them pre-chopped go ahead. It's much better for you than not eating them. Alternate: Spend an hour a week chopping vegetables and fruits into serving sizes. Then you'll be able to:

2) Carry 'em with you
Load up a plastic baggie with your pre-chopped veggies and bring them to work. Seriously, see how easy this can be! Especially if you've used my suggestion from #1! Bringing the "right number of bags and making sure to eat them all is a great way to ensure maximum fruit and veggie intake, even in a stressful, busy day!

3) Add real fruit to your yogurt
Have some yogurt for breakfast and add some fresh blueberries, raspberries or blackberries. It's that simple! Cherries, bananas, red grapes, chopped plums, chopped nectarines, chopped peaches and chopped pears also work. Whatever fruits you like, use 'em in your yogurt!

You can even crank up the fiber content by adding a few tablespoons of high fiber cereal!

Bonus tip: A great way to provide your body with the nutritional foundation you need each day is a Whole Foods based multi-vitamin. Prograde Nutrition VGF 25+ is one example. It's made from 25 veggies, greens and fruits. There are other great whole-food based multi's on the market and if you know of one, go for it.

This one is a great one, however, providing maximum bang for the buck.

Here's another great article on how to be sure you're getting enough fruits and vegetables each day: Getting Enough Fruits and Veggies?

Be sure to use these tips and let me know how they help you out. Or send me some of your own!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Coach Iggy's In The House!!

Coach Iggy was in the house on Wednesday...

Here's a "quick" look at his work...and why our athletes are just faster than everyone else.

Would YOU like to be faster? Stronger? More Explosive?

Leaner? Healthier? Contact us here: I'm ready to go!

Friday, June 1, 2012

A "Training Philosophy?" Maybe...

I'm often asked what All-Star's training philosophy is. I'm not quite sure how to answer most of the time.

I think some people want to hear that we push athletes past their limitations. This is true, but not in the "whip them into shape" way some folks expect.

Some people may want to hear that we nurture and support our athletes. This is also true, but there's nothing soft-hearted about it.

I think Vince Lombardi and John Wooden had "philosophies" close to ours. They each believed that athletes are individuals and should be respected as such. They knew they needed to kick some butt and pat some backs, as needed.

Sometimes, the same athlete needs each of those - depending on the situation.

So what do I believe? I believe in coaching the athlete who is in front of me. Whether it's an adult, a high school athlete, a division I scholarship athlete or a 7 year old, they are all different people on different days and at different times.

They do have one thing in common, however. I will get the best from them if they know that I love and respect them - and that I expect their best, always.

I don't know if that's a "training philosophy," but it is a small and important part of what I believe.

What do you believe? I'd love to hear from you.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Continual Improvement and the LTAD model...

"When you improve a little each day, eventually big things occur. ... Don't look for the big, quick improvement. Seek the small improvement one day at a time. That's the only way it happens - and when it happens, it lasts." - John Wooden

We're committed to the
Long-Term Athletic Development model here at All-Star Sports Academy. We know there are no "magic bullets" for getting better.

ANY "fitness center" can make you sweaty and sore...few truly know how to make you BETTER!

That's our commitment to you...to help you get a little better each day!

Contact us here for your 5 Point Movement Assessment and Quick Start 14 day trial!

We'll see YOU in the Athlete Underground!

Monday, May 21, 2012

No One Fights Alone!

Help us help local families!
At age 20, Mike Weltner was stricken with brain and spinal cancer...

He grew up a typical Jersey Shore Hockey kid...Toms River Hockey Club...high school hockey...

But now he needs our help...and we're here for him...and we hope you'll be here with us!

On June 9, 2012, we're going to hold the "No One Fights Alone" Boot Camp Fundraiser here at All-Star Sports Academy.

The Boot Camp will begin at 10:30 AM; registration will begin at 10 AM. There will be a reception after the workout with food, prizes and a 50/50 raffle.

The donation is $15, all of which will go to the foundation. Won't you join us? The information page and pre-registration link is here:
 No One Fights Alone Boot Camp Fundraiser

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Happy 50th Birthday...to YOU!

A Birthday Treat for the people who matter most...
It's simple, really. For one week, from today (May 16th) through next Wednesday, May 23, 2012, we're going to celebrate my 50th birthday by giving you the opportunity to enroll in ANY ALL-STAR SPORTS ACADEMY program for only $50 for your first month!*

FitKidz! Discovery ( 6 to 9 year olds), FitKidz! Exploration (10 to 13 year olds), Athletic Transformation (14+ years) and Power Fitness Camp (adult)...the best youth, sports and family fitness programs in Ocean County and beyond...period!

If you already have an enrollment with us, we'll be happy to add a month to it for the same $50 rate. Contact us here with questions or to take advantage of this offer: $50 for my first month!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Brain Food for Athletes!

Why coaching feedback is critical.

Your feedback and communication is brain food to an athlete. To develop correctly and effectively, young athlete's brains need a steady flow of quality nutrients and stimuli. Neural development and conditioning is a process that never really ceases, at least not until brain function does. Since none of us train zombies, let's focus on how we effect brain development, especially synaptic development, through communication, feedback and the impact of both on proprioception with our living clients.

Read the rest here

Monday, May 7, 2012

Teacher Appreciation!

A "thank you" for all you do!!
Are you a teacher, educator or administrator in a school or school district? Then you already know the school year is rapidly coming to a close!

You do a terrific job preparing our young people for the future and All-Star Sports Academy wants to say thank you! So, we are opening a very limited number of spots in Power Fitness Camp, our adult fitness "boot camp" program, to educators at a very discounted rate.

Our Power Fitness Camp, "the toughest workout you'll ever love," is normally available for a minimum of 3 months at $149 per month.

For this special "Educator Appreciation Summer Special," however, we're making it available for the months of July and August for only $149!

As they used to say on TV..."but wait...there's more!! If you take advantage of this offer by June 8th, we'll include the last 2 weeks in June, an All-Star Sports Academy t-shirt AND a $50 gift card you can give to a friend!*

With sessions available at 7 AM, 9:30 AM and in the evening, you won't even have to miss out on beach plans or any other summer activities in order to get in the best shape of your life!!

There is one small catch, however...we're ONLY offering 25 of these spots! And when they're full, they're full...period.

The info web page is below. You'll find the registration link on that page, so go over right now and see if this offer "makes the grade" for you!

If you're not convinced in the first 14 days that this is the "toughest workout you've ever loved," we'll give you your money back, shake your hand and let you be on your way.

So go over and check it out now...we'll be looking for you in Power Fitness Camp!

Teacher's Summer Shape Up!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Family Day Success!

On Saturday, April 28, 2012, All-Star Sports Academy celebrated 4 years in business with our "1st Annual, 4th Anniversary Family Day and Dodgeball Fundraiser."

The event was a rousing success. We raised nearly $1,500 for charity and no dodgeballs were injured during the tournament. There were a few (minor) bruised egos and some hairstyles were ruined by flying dodgeballs, but other than that, we all escaped unscathed...

As we prepare for summer's arrival, we'd like to say "thank you" to all of you who have supported us through these challenging times.

We could not possibly do what we do without your support!

Thank YOU!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Answering "THE" fitness question!

More than any other single question we get, "what should I eat?" is the most frequent AND the most impactful question of all!

Nutrition is said to be 70% of the fitness, weight loss and fat loss equation.

So why risk getting it wrong? Answer these questions for yourself:
1. Do you wonder what to eat before and/or after you workout?

2. Would having highly nutritious, restaurant-quality food ready to make at a moments notice make your eating plan easier and more effective?

3. If you could have this kind of great, all-natural, filler-free food delivered right to your door,  would that make sticking to your eating plan easier?

4. If you could get 3 meals and 2 great snacks a day for less than $14 per day, would that help? 

If you answered 'yes' to any (or all) of these questions, you owe it to yourself to check out Meal Movements, the simplest and most delicious home meal delivery available! 

If you have any questions about Meal Movements, our nutritionist will be happy to help you out!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Family Day News Flash!

Phil just spoke with Todd Frazier of the Cincinnati Reds (literally minutes ago). Todd told Phil he would offer a 1 hour, ONE ON ONE Baseball Skills Lesson as a door prize for our Family Day celebration!

Wow! Imagine the look on the face of your favorite young baseball player when he (or she) discovers that they get an hour with Reds up-and-comer Todd Frazier! Todd spent some time with the kids in our 2011 Baseball Speed and Agility Clinic in November and absolutely floored the kids and parents alike with his ability to relay the skills kids need to succeed in the modern, competitive baseball world.

Here's a quick interview Todd did with Phil a few months ago.

Todd Frazier Interview part 1
Todd Frazier Interview part 1

Here's a look at some photos from his last winter workout before leaving for Reds' camp in Arizona: Todd Frazier final winter workout 2012

One hour Baseball Skills Lesson with Cincinnati Reds player Todd Frazier.

The ONLY place you can win this great prize is at All-Star Sports Academy's Family Day Celebration on Saturday April 28 from 3 - 9 PM!

Go here for more info and to RSVP: Family Day 2012/Slam-Dunk Dodgeball Tournament!

We'll see you at All-Star Sports Academy!

Thank you for indulging us in our excitement!
Phil Hueston and Brian Blue
All-Star Sports Academy

PS...other great prizes include a Free All-Star Sports Academy Birthday Party, a Japanese language UFC fight poster autographed by Frankie "The Answer" Edgar, a $150 Gift Certificate for All-Star programs and many other goodies!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Personal Invitation to Family Day...

4 years ago, All-Star Sports Academy was founded with one mission in mind: provide the best performance training available and the best youth and family fitness available...anywhere!
On Saturday, April 28 from 3 PM until 9 PM (ish...) we're celebrating that mission. I am personally inviting YOU to join us for this celebration!  
Whether you are a die-hard All-Star fan and member, have never set foot in our facility or are somewhere in between...you are invited to celebrate with us! 
Doors open at 3 PM. We'll hold a "Family Boot Camp" at 4, a reception with food, music and drinks at 5. At 6, it's dodgeball! 
All Family Boot Camp attendees will have the opportunity to take advantage of a truly incredible offer from us! 
Everyone who attends will receive a special gift from All-Star Sports Academy! Throughout the event, there will be door prizes a 50/50 and you'll be able to enter to win:
  • a $150 gift certificate from All-Star!
  • A F-R-E-E All-Star Sports Academy Birthday Party! 
There are other surprises planned as well. 
We just want to say "thank you" for allowing us to fulfill our mission in this community for the last four years! 
YOU have my personal invitation to this fun event! Join us, won't you? 
See you on Saturday! 
Phil Hueston, NASM-PES; IYCA-YFS 
All-Star Sports Academy

Friday, April 20, 2012

All-Star Sports Academy Athletes...

getting it done where it matters...

Here are 2 recent stories relayed to me by one proud mom and one excited coach regarding the performance of athletes with whom we have been blessed to work.

Annemarie sends us this about her son, Ray:

"Hi Phil!! My son Ray received the Golden Bat and Golden Glove award for today's game!! Thank you for all your hard work and time All Star Sports Academy puts into him!!!! "

and a few days later:

"Hey Phil! F.Y.I. Ray also won the "Fleet Foot" award last week for scoring 3 runs and was Co-MVP in today's game against Freehold Twp!!"

Ray is one of our hardest working athletes and the time spent "doing work" with us is translating directly to success on the field.

Coach Tom sent me this about his TRIC Revolution U11 G soccer team:
"I wanted to let you know, and thank you and your staff, about our recent tournament win. You really got our girls jumping out of the starting blocks quickly this season and resulted in an early season tournament win at the PDA Spring Kickoff on March 31st & April 1st.
The PDA Spring Kickoff is rated as having the 3rd strongest girls soccer competition in the country according to GotSoccer. com website. The girls won their bracket and finished the tournament with 4 wins, 0 losses and ties - outscoring their opponents 8 goals to 2.

Thanks again for the great training sessions you and your staff put together. It really got our girls in game ready shape and resulted in a nice, early season tournament win." 

We're very proud of these girls. Like Ray, they not only know how to work hard with us, but how to have fun doing it!

Want to get started on YOUR road to athletic success? Press here now to contact me and schedule an assessment and your 14 day trial!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

#1 Bestseller!

All-Star has a #1 Best-Selling Author!
Phil Hueston's book goes to #1 on Amazon.com!
Sports Performance Trainer Phil Hueston Hits Amazon Best Seller List With New Youth Fitness Book

Phil Hueston, sports performance consultant and trainer, recently hit #1 in two separate Amazon.com best-seller lists with the new book "The Definitive Guide to Youth Athletic Strength, Conditioning and Performance."

Toms River, NJ - April 15, 2012 - Phil Hueston, co-owner of All-Star Sports Academy, recently joined with a select group of the world's leading health and fitness entrepreneurs to co-write the fitness book titled, The Definitive Guide to Youth Athletic Strength, Conditioning and Performance. The book was released by CelebrityPress™ - a leading fitness and health book publisher.

The Definitive Guide to Youth Athletic Strength, Conditioning and Performance was released on Thursday, March 29th, 2012 and features top advice from health and fitness experts from across the country on the subjects of total body health, fitness and nutrition for children and youth. The authors will offer health and fitness tips for kids ranging from preschool age to college student athletes. Phil Hueston contributed a chapter titled "Metabolic Conditioning For Strength and Power: A Quicker, Simpler Path to Better Athletic Fitness and Performance."

On the day of release, The Definitive Guide to Youth Athletic Strength, Conditioning and Performance reached best-seller status in two Amazon.com Exercise and Fitness categories - reaching #1 in both the "Injury Prevention" category and the "For Children" category.

Needless to say, we're excited! Copies of the book are available through All-Star Sports Academy.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

All-Star is 4 years old!

Have you heard the news?

All-Star Sports Academy turned 4 years old on March 1, 2012!

We're celebrating by throwing an awesome Open House, Family Boot Camp and a Dodgeball Tournament Fundraiser!

All the info is right here:

We will be holding our 2nd Family Boot Camp during Family Day. The first one was an overwhelming and amazing success!

Here's a look:
Family Boot Camp December 2011
Family Boot Camp December 2011

This great event is open to both members and non-members alike!

Contact us TODAY to reserve your spots, or to get answers to your questions!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Give Someone the "Heart of a Champion!"

Give Someone the "Heart of a Champion!"

Research has shown that people who receive positive affirmations and validations from people they know,Heart of a Champion love and/or respect, or even from the people with whom they regularly interact, feel better about themselves. Duh...

But the research has also shown that those people have higher levels of endorphins and other healthy hormones, leading to a longer, healthier (and of course happier!) life! What's even more interesting is that the "giver" of the compliment or positive affirmation ALSO receives a similar benefit as a result!

So why not tell someone you know how terrific they are? Recognize their achievements or just tell them how happy you are to know them. Who knows, they might just live longer, stronger and happier...and so will you!

PS...Hey moms and dads! Looking for a more "physical" way to strengthen your heart, feel better and even look better?

Try Power Fitness Camp! Right now, you can get 21 days for just $21! Why wait? Contact us today and we'll get you started! More info here:  
$21 bucks for 21 days of Power Fitness Camp!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

One Month Free? Really? YES!

Month Free!!
Are you serious about Sports Fitness? Serious about Adult Fitness? Maybe you just believe in the same Long-Term Athletic Development model that we do.

Maybe you've been thinking about an enrollment in one of our programs, or an upgrade...but you really love a great deal...HERE IT IS!

Enroll in any of our programs - FitKidz! Discovery, FitKidz! Exploration, Athletic Transformation or Power Fitness Camp - for 12 months and get ONE MONTH FREE!!

The best Youth and Family Fitness professionals, service and programs...and a free month! But you have to act fast! This offer is only available until March 15, 2012!
Offer Expires: March 15, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

Spring Soccer "Tune Up" Speed & Agility Clinic

Speed to shoot and score!Soccer is a sport that DEMANDS speed and agility! If you don't have them, you don't have a chance at success in this fast-paced game!

Spring soccer is knocking on the door! We've got EXACTLY what you need to get ready if you're a soccer player aged 9 to 13!

The Spring Soccer "Tune Up" Speed & Agility Clinic at All-Star Sports Academy! 

Two sessions, Sunday February 19 and Sunday February 26, 2012 from 12:30 to 2 PM! Attend either session...OR BOTH!

The clinic fee is ONLY $25 per session! Every participant gets a $50 All-Star Gift Certificate! This is your chance to "tune it up" before the season starts!

Register here: Spring Soccer "Tune Up" Speed & Agility Clinic

Friday, January 13, 2012

2012 Spring Football Speed Clinic

Would increasing YOUR football speed & aFootball !gility make you a better player?
Then this clinic is for you!

3 age groups, 3 sessions, 1 advanced speed clinic!
Improve linear speed to outrun the defenders!

Improve closing speed to become a better defender!

Develop lightning quick changes of direction and leave the opponent standing still!

Clinic fee only $25

Every participant receives a $50 All-Star Gift Certificate!

Register here: 2012 Spring Football Speed Clinic

Monday, January 9, 2012

Who Wants To Go Fast!

Speed is something you're just "born with," right?


Speed is a bio-mechanical skill that can be taught and developed.

Are you born with all the math ability you'll ever have?

How about all the strength you'll ever develop?

Of course not!

The human body, and in particular the neuromuscular system, is hugely and uniquely adaptable.

That adaptation stems from the plastic nature of the body's tissues, especially in the neural system.

Nerves adapt to demand very well. In fact, the stimulus received by the body and the nervous system is one of the key factors in determining the number, role and quality of synapses developed within the brain and nervous system.

We also know that speed can be developed because it is a result of improvements made in several areas of the human system.

Strength - get stronger and you can get faster. Muscles move bones. Moving bones engages joints and causes systems to move. Stronger muscles can be trained to respond faster.

Proprioceptive and neural response and delivery - Proprioception, simply put, is the way the nervous system senses the world around us and delivers the messages to the brain.

Neural response and delivery is the way in which we analyze the input regarding our surroundings, create a movement plan in the brain and deliver the signals to the muscles regarding how to move, at what rate of force and in what direction.

These factors are affected by training in speed and agility technique and through repetition. As the brain does something more frequently and in the correct manner, it finds efficiencies that allow the process to occur faster.

Put these things together with a good flexibility and mobility program and you get...drum roll please...


Here's a few of the techniques we use to make our athletes faster. And they are some of the fastest athletes around...

Get Faster NOW! 

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