When it comes to success in athletic training, our athletes know the
rule: Garbage in, garbage performance!
If you eat like crap, you perform that way!
When I worked with adults (a million years ago, it seems!), the biggest
sticking point my clients had was diet! Many of them would work out
religiously 6 days a week, but still not get the bodies they said they wanted.
When I pressed them on the details, I almost invariably found a diet straight
out of a nutritionist's nightmare!
Now, I work with adults on a somewhat limited basis, in All-Star Sports Academy's
Power Fitness Camp for Women. These women work very hard to achieve their
fitness and wellness goals, and I want to give them every advantage!
This desire on my part creates a special and unique opportunity for you!
In my efforts to support these ladies, All-Star Sports Academy is proud to announce that
we'll be hosting a free nutrition seminar for women only!
- Why am I not losing the wieght I want to, even though I exercise regularly?
- Why are my energy levels unstable, low or non-existent?
- Why am I not sleeping?
- Are caffeine, sugar and toxins in my diet really that bad for me?
- Can one conversation really change my life?
- And many other questions and issues!
Sharon is a terrific nutritionist and a real professional. She's offering her time to All-Star Sports Academy clients, friends, newsletter readers and associates, and we're incredibly grateful!
This seminar is free, but seating is strictly limited to the first 15 women who respond!
Email us at phil@allstarsportsacademynj.com to reserve your spot!
P.S., Don't forget! All-Star Sports Academy's Summer Training Package special is over on Friday, May 30th!! After Friday, enrollment fees go back up!
Act now and save over $180 for this three month package, and get the most effective sports fitness training available anywhere! We guarantee it!
As always, when you're ready, we're (always) ready!
Phil, Brian and Sean
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