Saturday, June 28, 2008

Manchester LL Camp Set To Go!

All-Star Sports Academy would like to thank the Manchester Twp. Little League for inviting us to participate in their 2008 Family Day!

Although rain interrupted the festivitites (OK, rain of BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS!), we all had a blast!

We're looking forward to a great camp, and to working with the Little League to create an educational, supportive atmosphere for all their players!

Camp is scheduled for August 11, 12 & 13, from 9 AM til 1 PM!

Remember, this is no "babysitting service!" Our intention is to make our campers better athletes, better players and better people for having participated in this camp!

Here's a glimpse of what the Manchester LL can expect from an All-Star Sports Academy Baseball Camp:

So...we'll see YOU in camp August 11,12 & 13!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Save Time and Rock Your Summer Training!

Summer is fully upon us!

Here in New Jersey, the kids are getting out of school, and everyone is looking forward to a summer at the beach, in the mountains...wherever vacations and free time take us!

All-Star Sports Academy's athletes are no different. While many other student-athletes will slog through summer workout schedules simply wishing they had time to enjoy the season, our athletes are getting it done AND enjoying their "off" time!

One of the ways we do that is the use of speed-endurance building circuits!

These are high intensity, speed-oriented workouts that build cardio-respiratory endurance by pushing the oxygen/CO2 threshhold, as well as the lactic acid cycling ability of the body, while at the same time increasing the ability of the neuromuscular system to cross-recruit red and white muscle fibers to create high levels of power and endurance.

Did you get all that? Ok, in simple terms, we use speed work to increase power and endurance in athletic movements!

Here are 2 simple ways to try this:

1. Sprint circuits - Set up 2 cones or markers 20 yards apart. Use a timer or a digital watch. Line up at the first cone with the timer.

Start it, drop it and start sprinting! Run a set number of sprints, say 10. Let the clock run the entire time. End where you started, and check your total time.

Record it, so you can compare future workouts against it.

2. Agility circuits - Set the cones up as above. This time, however, run 2 sprints, 2 backpedals, 2 side shuffles (facing the same direction both times) and 2 carioca (same way as the shuffles). This equals 1 "rep."

Try 2 "reps" to start with. Run the timer, just like in the Sprint Circut.

Generally, you'll want to run 3-4 workouts at the same rep counts before increasing the reps. This way, you can assure yourself that you're making progress.

Questions about this or any aspect of sports fitness training? Ready to take it to the next level? Email phil@

Need a great way to fuel your post-workout recovery? Try Prograde's Workout Shake!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Drill Done 'round the World!


Have you done the "Drill done 'round the World" yet?

Check it out here:

Athletes from Canada, Ireland, Germany, Latvia, Egypt, South Africa, China and even Malaysia and Mongolia have been watching our video!

With the Olympics coming, you know they want to get an edge on the competition!

How about you?

Contact us at today!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Can you squat like a 2 year old?

If you're like most athletes, and you train on a traditional program, I'm willing to bet you can't!

No, I'm not making fun of you. I'm not calling you out on some ridiculous gym-macho competition thing.

But let's be honest...babies squat better than you do!

Have you ever watched a baby drop something, then pick it up? 9 times out of 10, they execute a perfect squat. Hip driven, feet flat, heels down, toes lined up.

And...they don't worry about whether their knees extend beyond the ends of their feet!

You know what I'm talking about. Your sports coaches, "strength & conditioning" coaches and even the trainers in your gym tell you about that "rule" of squatting!

Ready? It's utter and complete bull-schpock! My clients routinely squat to parallel, without a second thought. And without worrying about their knee position.

In fact, many of my athletes can squat to the bottom of the range of motion with a barbell, dumbbells or kettlebells PRESSED OVERHEAD!!

How do you feel about your big leg press last week? How's that huge "Smith Machine" squat you did last week looking now, tough stuff?

Don't even get me started on that medieval piece of s*%t!

Did you know that more than
60% of all sports-related ACL tears (tears in the supportive ligament in the knee) occur during decelerative movement in the transverse plane of moton?

In otherwords,
most ACL tears occur while an athlete is trying to slow down their own bodyweight (decelerate) while turning or twisting through the lower body.

Think of an athlete trying to make a cut. Does that look like anything that might ever happen on a stinkin' SMITH MACHINE?!?

You've gotta be kidding me!
Yet every day, some poor, misguided and undirected athlete takes his/her coach's advice to "hit the weight room," and begins the long, hard, grinding road to a season-ending injury! Thanks a lot!

Do you want to be a better athlete? Do you want to maximize your potential and become an athletic weapon??

Then it's as simple as this: You must train functionally, in all planes of movement, at varying speeds, while developing high levels of dynamic stability and explosive power!

Do you really think that's gonna happen on the SMITH MACHINE? The Leg Press? Oh, I know, you'll get that sitting on the bench press!! Of course not!

Look, to develop the kind of strength, speed, power and explosiveness you need to rock your game and dominate the competition, you need to base your training program on your sports movements

Look, I'm not going into it again! Most of you already know how I feel about McFitness and the school gym!

Here's my challenge to you: Are you ready to do it right? Are you prepared to do everything it takes to be ready to win at any given moment, and in every single competition?

If not, do the rest of the real athletes a favor: GET OUT OF THE WAY! That's right...move! Let the athletes who are ready step in and get it done!

However, if you are ready...REALLY embrace your athletic potential; to stop hiding behnd the hype and the story of what you might do. If you're ready to start writing some new headlines in your athletic life; to become the standout you were put here to be...we're ready to help!

That's what we do...We prepare athletes to WIN!

To help you, we've extended our Summer Training Special for one more week! The response to this was awesome! So many athletes took advantage of this offer, that we're giving the rest of you until Friday, June 6th, 2008 to come in and get 3 months of Small Group and SAQ Training for only$199/month!

Everyone who gets in on this great offer will be eligible to win the great stuff we talked about here:

We still offer our money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Got questions? Call us at 732-597-3725 or email!

When you're ready, we're always ready!

Phil, Brian and Sean
Co-Owners, All-Star Sports Academy, LLC

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