Monday, June 16, 2008

Save Time and Rock Your Summer Training!

Summer is fully upon us!

Here in New Jersey, the kids are getting out of school, and everyone is looking forward to a summer at the beach, in the mountains...wherever vacations and free time take us!

All-Star Sports Academy's athletes are no different. While many other student-athletes will slog through summer workout schedules simply wishing they had time to enjoy the season, our athletes are getting it done AND enjoying their "off" time!

One of the ways we do that is the use of speed-endurance building circuits!

These are high intensity, speed-oriented workouts that build cardio-respiratory endurance by pushing the oxygen/CO2 threshhold, as well as the lactic acid cycling ability of the body, while at the same time increasing the ability of the neuromuscular system to cross-recruit red and white muscle fibers to create high levels of power and endurance.

Did you get all that? Ok, in simple terms, we use speed work to increase power and endurance in athletic movements!

Here are 2 simple ways to try this:

1. Sprint circuits - Set up 2 cones or markers 20 yards apart. Use a timer or a digital watch. Line up at the first cone with the timer.

Start it, drop it and start sprinting! Run a set number of sprints, say 10. Let the clock run the entire time. End where you started, and check your total time.

Record it, so you can compare future workouts against it.

2. Agility circuits - Set the cones up as above. This time, however, run 2 sprints, 2 backpedals, 2 side shuffles (facing the same direction both times) and 2 carioca (same way as the shuffles). This equals 1 "rep."

Try 2 "reps" to start with. Run the timer, just like in the Sprint Circut.

Generally, you'll want to run 3-4 workouts at the same rep counts before increasing the reps. This way, you can assure yourself that you're making progress.

Questions about this or any aspect of sports fitness training? Ready to take it to the next level? Email phil@

Need a great way to fuel your post-workout recovery? Try Prograde's Workout Shake!

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