Monday, July 14, 2008

HFCS is killing YOUR kids!

High Fructose Corn Syrup is often in the news, and with good reason. Millions of Americans are sucking down massive amounts each year.

Many scientists believe it’s unhealthy for you, and is a cause of obesity in the USA. In fact, the only folks who seem to think it’s a good thing are “food” manufacturers!

Archer Daniels Midland is a company that makes HFCS, the main ingredient used in sodas, cereals, snack foods, ketchup, barbecue sauce and other processed foods. ADM sponsored a study says that HFCS does not make you fat. Um, yeah. The HFCS maker sponsored a study saying it’s ok for you.

Remember cigarette makers in the 1960’s and 1970’s?

Scientists, health officials and dozens of other studies say otherwise.

The reality seems to be that HFCS turns to fat in the body far more readily than regular sugars. It is also linked with higher levels of triglycerides and LDL (bad cholesterol).

It seems that HFCS, as well as artificial sweeteners, also negatively impact appetite, causing you to eat more food. Diet soda was linked to increased calorie consumption in several studies. That kind of defeats the purpose of “diet” soda, doesn’t it?

That’s because insulin levels don’t seem to rise when you ingest HFCS and artificial sweeteners. This then means that leptin doesn’t get released either.

Leptin, another hormone which is controlled by insulin, tells your brain when you are full and to stop eating. Without it, your system doesn’t get the “all done” message it needs, and you go on eating!

So what this means that because you do not get the message that you are full you tend to overeat which results in weight gain and a higher risk for obesity.

The sad reality is that HFCS contributes to weight gain and obesity by starting a cycle of overconsumption of calories. Our kids are on the front lines of this battle, and their lives may literally be at stake!

Kids are the biggest consumers of snack foods, processed foods and other HFCS sources. Unless, of course, we as parents and responsible adults fight back!

And don’t be fooled by the “crystalline fructose” being used by Glaceau’s Vitamin Water, either! This poison is being chugged by kids and adults alike. Guess what? “Crystalline Fructose” is High Fructose Corn Syrup in disguise!

Avoid foods with High Fructose Corn Syrup. If you’re looking for a snack that tastes great and is good for you, try Cravers by Prograde! This is the nutritional snack food that I recommend to my athletes, and all my clients!
Right now, they're on sale! simply enter the word cravers in the coupon code box at checkout, and you'll get $10 off your order!

Cravers are 100% organic, contain no HFCS, contain fiber, protein and taste great! At 180 calories, they make an easy, healthy snack that fits into virtually any eating plan.

Don’t have an eating plan?

Without one, you’re at the mercy of…you guessed it! You’re at the mercy of ADM, The Corn Refiners Association, their bogus “health studies” and hazardous-to-your-health pseudo-foods!
Would you like help with your kids’ eating plan? How about yours? We teach athletes to eat well every day, and they benefit from it. Every day!

Here’s what one mom had to say about her son and their experience with All-Star Sports Academy: “He’s been more aware of what he’s eating. He eats more fruits and veggies, and no more junk food! He exercises each day on his own, and he doesn’t even realize that he’s stopped playing his video games! We are very happy with All-Star Sports Academy!” – V.P., mom to Z.P., age 8
Why wait? Start today…in your own home with Prograde Cravers, and in our facility!

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