Thursday, July 10, 2008

Words that matter...and mot¡vate!

First things first, we want to congratulate the winners in our Toms River Family Day Raffle!

The following athletes have each won a one month Sports Fitness Training Scholarship at All-Star Sports Academy:Bradley C., Rebecca S., Jacob G., Jackie W., Christina M., Jared K. and Michael G.!

By now, you've all been contacted by phone. CONGRATULATIONS!!

You'll each have the opportunity to work with our highly educated and qualified Sports Fitness Professionals for an entire month!

We'll see YOU All-Star Sports Academy! By the time your first month is complete, you'll be a better athlete...and a better person!

While we're on the subject of becoming better athletes and people, here are some words of wisdom from legendary NFL Coach Vince Lombardi...

"The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence, regardless of his chosen field of expertise."

Lombardi lived a commitment to excellence. He realized that to win, you have to commit to it AND ALLOW NOTHING ELSE TO OCCUPY YOUR THOUGHTS!

He's often misquoted regarding winning. He said that the willingness to prepare to win is everything in life, and it is.

Willingness to do everything in your power to prepare to win is the difference between being a great player and being a CHAMPION!

So what will you commit to NOW? When would NOW be a good time to commit yourself to excellence?

Wouldn't NOW be a great time to step up and lead others around you by simply committing to excellence and preventing thoughts of anything but success to occupy your mind, heart and soul?

If the answer is "YES", we're ready to help. If it's anything else, listen closely and you'll hear the sound of fear and excuses...coming from YOU!

See you at All-Star Sports Academy...when the answer's "yes!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice page with the lombardi quotes. he has a lot of good quotes but i like that one a lot. sorry im only checkin it noe i was goen and this is first time checking my email but i really like this lombardi stuff
- Dave

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