Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What stops you?

Recently, a friend of mine sent me a link to a video with a note that said, "you have to watch this!"

Like most of you, I greet those messages with a grain of salt.

Don't you just bristle when someone tells you what you "have to" do?

Maybe that's because we hear it so much.

Parents...teachers...bosses...even girlfriends/boyfriends and husbands/wives.

The video below is about a man and his son doing things that they not only weren't told to do, nobody thought they should, would or could!

In fact, this Dad rejected all the "shoulds" and "have to's" in order to confound everyone, and achieve some amazing things.

You see, when his son was born, he and his wife had to make some hard decisions about his future.

Their son had been born with his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck, causing damage to the brain.
He would never be able to walk or talk or take care of himself.

Doctors said he should be institutionalized. Dick, his dad, said "no way."

Dad knew his son could have a better, fuller life than anyone expected.

So Rick Hoyt did 3 things that blew away all the barriers to achieving what he wanted for his son and himself.

1. He made a decision. A decision to change his future.

2. He committed to doing whatever it took. Whatever it took to succeed!

3. He took action. Immediately and without hesitation, and he never looked back.

What results did Dick Hoyt achieve? How have things worked out for him and his son?

Take a look at the video here:

Then ask yourself:

What will you decide to do?

What will you commit to?

What action will you take?

Whatever you decide, commit to and act on, we're ready to support you!

See you at All-Star Sports Academy!

And don't forget! You still have time to enroll your baseball/softball players in our Manchester Little League Camp August 11, 12 & 13!

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