Monday, August 25, 2008

Stronger, Faster, Healthier...All Season Long


Parents, Coaches and Players!

All-Star Sports Academy urges you to read this and
take action now!! Athletes across America will lose millions of hours of playing time to needless injuries this season!

Don’t let your son or daughter be one of them!

Read on and play on…all season long!
High school athletes everywhere train for months in the off-season in order to improve strength, power, speed, agility, quickness and injury resistance.

These same athletes perform well early in the season but tend to see not only a reduction in performance related to their training, but the onset of common injuries as the season progresses.

It doesn’t have to be this way!

You probably know someone who lost weight through diet and exercise only to gain it all back. You also know why. These people stopped doing the things that helped them get healthy in the first place!

The same is true for athletes. Why? For athletes, the lack of an in-season training program causes them to slowly lose much of the performance gains that were made in the off-season.

Coaches generally do one of two things: 1.) focus all their energy on sports-related skill sets, or 2.) use “training methods” that are ineffective and in some cases counterproductive, dangerous and damaging to the stamina and health of the athlete.

As the season wears on, athletes get slower, weaker and less responsive to the “training methods” being used. Most alarming is that the odds of injury for a given athlete go through the roof!

So what’s the answer? We know that a majority of injuries occur somewhat later in the season; the lack of in-season training causes the athlete’s body to become weaker and unable to recover as quickly or completely as it should.

Much like yo-yo dieting, this yo-yo training style is disastrous for the athletic body! This situation can be avoided with relative ease.

Here’s an example. The University of Maryland National Championship Men’s Soccer Team added just 20-25 minutes of functional strength training to their routine 3-4 times a week to help their players continue to increase their strength during the season.

Other teams were getting weaker as the season wore on. The Terps were getting stronger, right into the national tournament. Coaches and players agreed that the strength training played an important role in their run to the National Title.

So why don’t more teams and athletes utilize in-season functional strength training programs?

Excuses range from “I don’t have time” to ”I don’t want to tire myself out.” Time? Fatigue? ONLY two hours of functional strength, flexibility, and injury prevention training each week is all that's needed to be a stronger, faster, and HEALTHIER player at the end of the season.

Want to keep your “edge” all season?

Then you need to All-Star Sports Academy today at 732-597-3725 and find out more about our in-season injury prevention & recovery/regeneration system.

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