Wednesday, September 17, 2008

This is just smarter!!

Are you a baseball fan? A "true" fan?
Someone who goes to MLB games, buys gear and pays attention?

Then you're getting robbed. That's right, you are being swindled.

Not to mention you're supporting what is apparently an incredibly hazardous sport.

OK, enough of the cryptic's the real scoop.

A 15 minute research project today revealed the following interesting information regarding Major League Baseball and injuries.

As of today, Sept. 17, in the American League alone, there are 36 pitchers on the disabled list. 36!

That's just pitchers. In only one half of Major League Baseball. These guys are being paid over $86 million dollars to not throw a baseball.

There are some notables. For example, Curt Schilling (Red Sox) is being paid $10 million to sit on the DL for the entire season!

Chien Min Wang (Yankees) has been sitting since June 15, but getting paid $4 million.

Danys Baez (Orioles) and Jose Contreras (White Sox) are both out for the season, to the tune of $16.17 million.

Over in Cleveland, the Indians paid Jake Westbrook $10 million this year. In exchange, they got all of 3 games out of him, and one win. That's $10 million for ONE WIN!

Now, I don't fault the players for the salaries they get. However, if you or I went "out for the season" at work with a biceps injury or a strained elbow ligament, I'm pretty sure we wouldn't get paid our full salary, if at all!

As fans, we're getting hosed. We shell out serious money to see these big-shot, high paid players perform! When they sit on the bench, we get to see, well, we don't see the guys we're paying to see.

If you went to see the Batman movie, The Dark Knight, and the theater showed you The Little Mermaid instead, how long would you put up with it?

What's my point here? Let's try a simple exercise and see if you can figure it out.

I'm going to list the players injuries, without their names, but with the simple, science-based training techniques or concepts that absolutely will prevent these injuries! No maybes here...just solutions! Here goes:

Lisfranc fracture/peroneus longus (foot/ankle muscle) tear.............Ankle mobility/stability training
Biceps strain/degeneration...........................Functional strength training/active flexibility & shoulder stabilization training
Elbow ligament tear (Tommy John).............Shoulder stability/dynamic stability & flexibility
Strained intercostal muscle.........................Functional Core Training/rotation training
Shoulder Inflammation.................................Functional Shoulder stability/Scapular stability

Amazingly enough, the other aspects of functional training that would help prevent these injuries include:
Core Stabilization, strength and power
Hip stability and mobility
Deceleration training (if you have no idea what we're talking about, call us NOW!)
Single leg training
Reactive neuromuscular training

You probably get it by now. Notice what's not on the list? Bench presses, leg presses and seated anything presses, rows or pulls.

These guys can afford the very best sports fitness training available, and they should take advantage of it!

Here's a secret: you can afford the best sports fitness training available, too!! All-Star Sports Academy can show you how to get the best training you can find anywhere, at a rate that will shock you!

Now, the question is: Are you smarter and more dedicated to your sports performance than a Major League Pitcher on the Disabled List?

These guys are willing to sit around injured and be absolutely no good to their team. How about you?

Step in, step up and do it right! Hundreds of athletes just like you already have.

Call us at 732-597-3725 and arrange to come in for your 1 week trial. Find out why All-Star Sports Academy athletes don't even know what the "disabled list" is!

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