Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Saving a Generation...One Fun-filled Session at a Time!

If you have kids, know kids or ever were a kid…we implore you to read this entire entry! Thanks!

We Americans take for granted that our life expectancy will increase from generation to generation.

Each generation can expect to live longer than the ones that came before, right?

Not so fast. America’s children are at risk! Spreading like wildfire, a deadly “disease” has affected nearly 30% of our kids already, and by 2010, nearly 50% could be afflicted with this slow killer!

What’s this exotic virus, bacteria or “bug” striking down our youth? It’s not exotic. It’s not a virus, bacteria or other biotic.

But it is killing our kids…Have you figured out what I’m talking about yet?

The killer I’m talking about is Youth Obesity!

According to the New England Journal of Medicine, life expectancy among those now 6 to 19 years old will fall for the first time since has been measured.

Did you get that? Our kids’ generation will have a shorter life span than ours! 2 to 5 years shorter!

The Surgeon General says it’s nothing less than a “national catastrophe!”

Kids as young as 7 or 8 are turning up in doctor’s offices with Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol, painful joint conditions and even gallstones! All typical “adult conditions!”

So what’s the problem? There are many, including:

The “couch potato culture” - Computer use, video games, watching TV & “hanging out” actually discourage movement, and don’t help kids build healthy movement patterns, stay fit, burn off excess calories or manage stress and anxiety! Kids become less coordinated, less mobile and more sedentary.

A “more is better” culture surrounding food – Have you noticed the portion sizes in most restaurants? How about the size of the pizza you get delivered (not to mention the breadsticks and other crap) or the giant gulps, supersizes and megaloads of junk pitched to our kids on radio, internet and TV all day and night?

Recess and Physical Education-free schools – I don’t care who’s to “blame!” Our kids don’t move enough in school! Recess is a thing of the past, or so it seems. Schools can’t find the funds needed for the quality physical fitness education our kids need to grow strong, healthy and vibrant!

Fast foods, pseudo-foods and just plain junk food! - Childhood obesity rates in America continue to soar, and the “lack” of “available” healthy foods isn’t helping! Our kids need to learn good eating habits, and that great tasting, healthy food is always within reach…if they know where and how to look!

Safety Issues - Once upon a time, kids came home from school, did homework and ran out to play without a care in the world. Not anymore. We need to let our kids “go out and play,” somehow!

An exclusionary youth sports and social system - Many kids feel excluded from sports or other activities feeling like they don’t fit in, or can’t compete with athletic kids. Self-esteem suffers, & they lose the desire to be active & try new sports or activities. Of course, this problem only gets worse as kids get fatter, more out of shape and sicker!

What can be done? Can the government save them? Will medicine find a “miracle cure” for this horrifying malaise?

Are we powerless to stop the decline of our children’s health, and their generation?

The answer: No! It’s up to us to keep the next generation from being the one whose lives are shortened by a preventable “disease!”

Ghandi once said “Be the change you would see in the world.”

All-Star Sports Academy intends to be that change, and we’re asking you to join us!

On November 1, 2008, All-Star Sports Academy will launch FitKidz©, an exercise and wellness program designed with a single purpose in mind: “Help America’s Children Rediscover the Joys of Movement, Fitness and Wellness!”

FitKidz© will teach kids that the journey to health and fitness is at least as much fun, and as worthwhile, as the destination of being healthy and fit!

From the basics of functional movement - running, jumping, crawling, throwing, skipping, climbing and moving things around – to the love of healthy foods instead of junk or “pseudo-“ foods, to the simple, healthy benefits of just having fun, FitKidz© will provide a fun, supportive atmosphere for ALL kids!

Athlete or non-athlete, fit or not, boys and girls alike will have the opportunity to “go out and play” (or ‘in’), all while developing the health-building habits that will serve them the rest of their lives!

Twice a week kids will run, jump, skip, throw, crawl, move stuff and learn to move in all directions with ease! They’ll play games as they learn to compete and cooperate, team-build and problem solve.

They will be guided through this terrific experience by a certified, trained youth fitness professional whose mission is to create an enriching, fulfilling and fitness-enhancing environment!

Most important, they’ll have fun! So much fun that they won’t even realize they’re “exercising!”

They won’t even realize that they’re choosing better foods and developing healthy habits! Ssshhhh!

But before you know it, they’ll realize how great they feel!

The best part is that you can give this incredible gift to your child each month for less than the cost of many athletic shoes or newly released video games!

If you’re not in Ocean County, NJ, don’t worry…we’re working to bring a FitKidz© Program to a location near you…SOON!

Call us today at 732-597-3725 or email us at fitkidzusa @ gmail.com!

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