Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Get off the wobble boards!

I walk into gyms and training centers all the time and see it.

"Circus act training." "Daredevil training." Stupid trainer tricks.

Trainers and fitness "professionals" pushing their athletes, and even little old ladies to perform ridiculous stunts under the guise of "functional training."

Just because the training center has wobble boards, bosu balls, stability balls, Airex foam pads and inflatable rubber discs doesn't mean every client has to use them all in every workout.

Most clients are inherently not ready for single leg dumbbell clean and press on a bosu ball.

In fact, most clients can barely sit still on a bosu ball or stand on one leg without stability issues for more than 30 seconds! Forget the dumbbell clean and press!

In fact, here's an example of a balance and stability exercise we use to rapidly develop this incredibly important athletic skill:

SL Kettlebell Crossover Romanian Dead Lift

It's simple, but not easy to perform, and it relies on the most important tool an athlete must master: the neuromuscular system!

Did you realize that use of all those other "functional training tools" could actually
INCREASE your risk of injury while they DECREASE your athletic fitness?

Don't get me wrong. utilizing unstable surfaces or destabilizing movements and positions is not necessarily bad. In fact using stability balls, rocker boards and other stability-challenging tools can be a "multiplier" in your athletic fitness training.

What makes the difference in whether stability tools help or hurt?

Simple: a proper understanding of when they should be introduced into a program, how to progress the athlete through the stages of stabilization training and how to avoid unnecessary risks in training stability.

Not sure how to incorporate stabilization training into your sports fitness program? Let us help you!

Click here:

We're here and ready to help you explode your sports fitness and performance!

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