Thursday, November 6, 2008

GM, BMW and your Sports Fitness

I heard on the news this morning that General Motors may be paring back its' investment in product development. You know, research on how to make their cars perform better. Apparently, it's temporary; to get through this "challenging economic time."

Wow! Really? That's the plan? To stop planning and preparing for the future? To surrender your competitive edge by giving up on improving performance?

Have you noticed that "challenging economic times" don't seem to effect Mercedes B
enz and BMW the same way they do GM, Chrysler and Ford?

It's easy to dismiss this as related to the idea that high-end car makers have customers who can afford to buy the best, even if the rest of us are driving Chevy Cobalts or Dodge Neons. (Not that I have a problem with affordable American cars...I drive one!)

I think the real reason has nothing to do with the tax bracket of a typical American auto buyer. It has more to do with how the American auto makers see R & D and the learning process involved with improving car performance. As an expense...a necessary "evil."

Sounds a lot like how many athletes view their training, nutrition, rest and skills improvement!

You see, German and other foreign car makers focus on constantly improving their vehicles. Think about it...when you see a TV ad for BMW, what do they talk about? Let me help you:
German Engineering! In
other words, they brag about the performance results their cars get from all the research and development (learning) they do!

They pride themselves on the fact that they are
constantly improving themselves!

What does this have to do with Sports Fitness Training and Preparation? You mean it's not obvious!?!

I'm glad you asked! You see, All-Star Sports Academy views Sports Fitness as an ongoing learning process. We're constantly doing "R & D" to improve the performance of our athletes.

The key to successful Sports Fitness Preparation is to teach, not train! Athletes who (like BMW) learn the why of their program as well as the how, will enjoy the process more, and get a far better result than those who act like GM and just keep trying to put out the product!

All-Star Sports Academy does the research and develops the programs to teach:
  • Injury prevention
  • Speed and Agility
  • Athletic Strength and Power
  • Flexibility
  • Movement patterns
  • Joint Stability, Mobility and Performance
  • Explosiveness and Quickness
  • Balance and Coordination
  • The "Mental Game"
  • Nutrition, Rest and Regeneration
If we encounter "challenging economic times," it won't change a thing! We'll still be learning, still be working to improve our programs, and still be seeking the best solutions to your Sports Fitness challenges!

And our athletes? Well, you'll know them when you see them. They'll be the ones performing consistently at the top of their game...and responding to all the "challenging times" by succeeding!

Oh yeah...and loving every minute of the journey!

Click here for your trial membership at All-Star Sports Academy:

And...we'll see YOU at All-Star Sports Academy!

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