Thursday, December 18, 2008

Before you join a "health club" for New Year's...

Here's a quick thought about "Health Clubs."

These businesses don't seem to have to deliver on what they claim to be providing customers. One industry insider says these "health clubs" have the worst business model ever!

Each January, millions of Americans slog into these clubs to fulfill "resolutions." That's when the trouble starts!

These "resolutionaries," as we call them, get pounced on by the monthly billing predators! "Health Club" sales reps, many of whom (not all!) are about as "professional" as drive-by shooters, take advantage of these good people and their desire for change!

If you've been on the receiving end of this treatment, you know what I mean. Feigned sincerity, "gotcha" questions and smoke-and-mirrors presentations are followed by steamrolling and cornering sales tactics, designed to "overcome your objections."

Wait! Didn't you go in there with the intention of determining if it was the right place for you to help fulfill your resolution? And the "health club" salesclown felt it necessary to run you over and "overcome your objections?"

Just to add insult to injury, after you do sign up (usually because it's
less painful than fighting your way out of the salesclown's office), their "system" fails you miserably. Here's where the "worst business model ever" kicks in!

Go to a fast-food joint with money, you get food, right? Ok, junk food, but you still get what you expected, right? They have all intentions of providing it to you in exchange for your hard earned cash. If you don't get your food, you'll get your money back.

Go to a used car dealership, same thing. You'll get what you came in for - a car. If not, you're very unlikely to not have your money
and not have a car when you're done!

Go to a "health club" with money, you'll get health and wellness, right? WRONG!

At "health clubs," if you reach your fitness goals (the very things for which you joined the club in the first place) you'll be part of a very exclusive group.

According to "health club" industry groups, only about 10% of all people who join a "health club" EVER reach their fitness goals there!
Check out these stats:
Of January joiners:
25% - NEVER come back after their initial visit and enrollment (great job by the salesclown and the club, huh?)

50% - will stop coming in after February 15th.

63% - will stop coming in by March 15th.

70% - will have stopped coming in by April 15th.

Oddly enough, virtually all of these people will continue to be billed monthly, and keep paying the "health club" that failed them in the first place! So you don't get what you wanted and paid for, but you keep paying for it anyway!

To us, this is unreasonable and unethical. That's why we offer a free trial membership for any of our programs!

Visit us here: and see which programs meet your needs. We'll let you try it out for a week, no obligation, no strings!

We work very hard to make sure you want to come back, and we'll help you reach your goals! So you can spend $19.99 to $59 amonth or more and not get results but keep paying, or you can invest a little more, have total control over your investment, and get the results you want!

The choice is yours. We have a funny feeling we'll see YOU at All-Star Sports Academy!

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