Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Don't get tripped up by Holiday "treats!"

To follow up on a theme...

It's easy to stuff yourself full of delicious holiday treats without even realizing it! There you are at a party or event, chatting away or hanging out with friends and just nibbling away.

They're just little finger foods...chips and dips, shrimp, those little hot dogs wrapped in dough, egg rolls, etc. They don't really have a lot of extra calories, do they?

hot dog or ONE egg roll or ONE shrimp stuffed whatchamacallit probably wouldn't add a Santa sack to your belly or thighs, so go ahead, have just one. I dare you. In fact, I'll breach etiquette here and TRIPLE DOG DARE YOU!

Let's face it, nobody has just one fatty, high calorie
delicious and satisfying holiday snack treat when they're presented! So here's a couple "tricks" to use so you don't end up "treating" yourself to unwanted pound this Holiday Season:
  1. Never go out hungry! - Many of us don't eat enough during the day, or in the hours leading up to a party or event because we're "saving up" our calories for the food that will be served. Eat normally throughout the day. If it's been several hours since you last ate, and you're getting ready to go out, have a small snack of veggies or even some whole grain crackers, with some water. Even a small snack will help tame the ravenous hunger beast you would otherwise take to the party!
  2. Start slow! - Too often, people get to a party and dive right in to the food! Start slow, say hello to everyone and get something to drink, like seltzer water, ginger ale or (if you must) diet soda. The carbonation will partly fill your stomach. Then take a small serving of appetizers or food. After you finish that, reassess how hungry you really are!
  3. Eat natural! - If you choose foods that are as close to natural as possible, chances are good you'll be eating things that, at the least, have vegetables or fruits as ingredients! This is definitely better than, say, processed "Mexican" appys or processed meat snacks. This is no guarantee, of course, just a good general idea!
  4. Enjoy the company! - Focus on enjoying the people around you, and let the food and drink be an accessory. The Holidays are a time for us to appreciate the people in our lives (yes, even THOSE people, whoever they are!) Take part in those lively conversations! Play games! Talk about the people who can't be there. Of course, during this fun, enjoy some good food and drink...wisely and responsibly!
Do you have a "Holiday Food Survival Technique" of your own? One you heard somewhere that really works? By all means, add it below in the comments section!

The Holidays are also a great time to give yourself the gift of fitness! We'll help!

Go here: A Free Week of Fitness for the Holidays! We'll give you a week in any of our outstanding programs. Note that this is for those who aren't there already...our clients already get the best in fitness from us!

We'll See YOU at All-Star Sports Academy!

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