Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Team Training

Why let All-Star Sports Academy develop and run YOUR Team Training program?

The facts are:
  1. Teams that train together year round perform better! Many collegiate and even high school teams have a year-round training program in place. Available to everyone, these programs guarantee progressive athletic skill-set improvement. Pairing this development with the reinforcement of sport-specific skills assures maximal off-season and pre-season improvement!
  2. Teams that have a scientifically rational, progressive training system suffer fewer early injuries! The truth is that when athletes enter their seasons ready to play and at maximal conditioning levels, their teams suffer fewer injuries in the tryout/pre-season prep phase.
  3. Teams with organized in-season training programs suffer fewer injuries during the season! In 2005, the University of Maryland men's soccer team used an in-season program of 30-35 minutes of functional sports fitness training 3 times a week. In that season, Maryland won the National Championship! They reduced their injury rate, increased output on the field, and basically blew by their opponents!
  4. Teams that train functionally improve fastest! Functional Sports Fitness Training is the fastest and most efficient way to convert physical and athletic skills into sport-specific skill mastery! Core training feeds strength training. Strength training feeds power training. Power training feeds speed and agility training. The combined athletic skill-sets make it easier for athletes to master sport-specific skills and apply them at game time.
  5. Teams that train together overcome adversity and have more fun! When they work hard together, they're ready to take it to the field, court or ice together! Challenges become minimized and victory simply becomes part of the team culture! Isn't that why we play our sports? Because winning is more fun than losing?!?
Coaches!! Let's get started now! Contact us and we'll help you get your Team Training Program on track to get real results!!

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