Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Chocolatey Goodness...and GOOD FOR YOU!!

Hey...a quick post today...

Here's a little chocolate treat that will make you smile. Best of all? It will help you get your sweet on without filling out your waistline!


Delightful Dark Chocolate Chunk Muffins

Preheat your oven to 350, then mix:
• 2 eggs
• 1 c. unsweetened vanilla almond milk
• 1 c. shredded zucchini (peeled before shredding)
• 1 tsp. vanilla
• 3 tbsp. agave syrup

Whisk well then add:
• 1/2 c. Quinoa (uncooked, dry; preferably red)
• 1 tsp. baking soda
• 1/2 c. gluten free pancake mix
• 1 tsp cocoa powder
• 1 1/2 scoops Prograde Chocolate Protein powder

Blend more till smooth. If desired, add 1/2-3/4 c. dark chocolate chips or chunks.
    Note: Your batter will be very wet.
  2. Pour the batter into muffin tins, bake 'till they spring when you touch them, about 15-20 minutes.
  3. Let them rest on a counter for 10-15 minutes to cool. The quinoa becomes nutty and delicious within the muffins.

These are best served cooled.

Makes 1 Dozen.

Nutrition Facts: (per 1 muffin)

Calories: 86
Protein: 4 gms
Carbohydrates: 13 gms
Fat: 2 gms

Monday, March 21, 2011

"Sound Bite" Training is hurting our youth athletes

"Put 4 inches on your vertical in just 4 weeks!"

"Be the fastest player on the field in just 6 weeks!"

These are the kind of "sound bite" claims being made by traіners who want to traіn your kids.

Right now, as you read this, these frauds are trying to dupe you!

If you're not sick of them and the culture they foster, I am.

6 week traіning programs aren't helping our athletes improve. They just don't work.

Yet that's pretty much all you see out there. Inflammatory, sensationalized flyers, brochures, ads and websites telling you how fast, strong and powerful your kids will get in 6 weeks with "Super traіner!"

It's a bunch of crap.

And it's a major cause of іnjury and over-traіning in youth sports.

Whenever I hear or read one of these traіners' claims about the miracles that will happen to your kid in his or her 6 week program, I ask the same question.

Then what?

Short term traіning programs are like promises in a political campaign. They sound great. They appeal to our desire for improvement and success.

When first presented, they make all the sense in the world. They generate excitement.

They're convincing, display clarity and simplicity, and like political campaign promises...when the chips are down and it's time to deliver, nobody can remember them.

Not that it matters; there's no chance they'll create lasting change or success. Like the political sound bite, the short term traіning program is intended to get your vote!

With the traіning program, you vote with your time, your hopes, your enthusiasm...and your money. Not to mention your kids' health!

What happens when the 6 week miracle traіning program is over?

Do you really think those improvements will stick?

Will your kids be more іnjury resistant?

Will they have learned proper traіning techniques, ones that will help them progress consistently, play better in the long term and enjoy their sport(s) more?

Or will they simply learn to focus on a "product" instead of a "process?"

You see, coaches and traіners too often use "product" based coaching, rather than focusing on creating successful "processes."

In other words, they harp on things like the faster 40 yd. dash and the bigger vertical leap without teaching their players proper mechanics and strength-building techniques.

Think about it. If you devote traіning time developing great takeoff and landing mechanics for jumping, and combine that with functional strength development, doesn't it seem to follow that the athlete's "vertical" would inevitably increase? Of course it does!

Just like the combination of teaching great sprint technique, dynamic flexibility and functional strength will dramatically increase speed in all directions!

The trouble is, this kind of long-lasting, highly available athletic skill-set development can't be accomplished in a "6 weeks to 6 inches, etc." miracle program.

It comes from consistent, longer term traіning systems and good habits on the part of athletes and kids.

This is especially important for younger athletes and children. Between ages 8 and 13, it's a great time forus to help them develop proper functional movement patterns.

For many kids, this means getting them up and moving, period. Programs focusing on functional movement, that deliver fun and variety, will always outperform set and rep based programs for this age group.

Developing great movement patterns at an early age allows us to reinforce them, load them and make our kids stronger, faster, more agile, healthier and more resistant to іnjury!

The best part of this process is that the improved performance athletes get from a consistent, intelligent, "process" based traіning program will stick with them and help them in all their athletic endeavors.

Long after the "6 week miracle traіning program" and it's temporary nonsense has disappeared, like a tax cut promise in a political campaign, gains made through the development of good habits and consistent effort (in other words, a quality "process") will still be serving the athlete well.

More importantly, because of the good habits developed, the athlete will continue to get stronger, faster, more agile and more іnjury resistant.

The "6 week miracle" athlete will be steadily losing the"edge" they gained, and slipping into the "іnjury zone."

Here's a few well known examples of athletes who've benefited from a long-term athletic development program:

  • Michael Phelps won 8 golds at the Beijing Olympics. (Embarassing photos and acts aside)
  • The US Womens Soccer Team beat Brazil for Gold.
  • The US Men and Women took home Volleyball Gold.
  • The US swept the 400m.

It wasn't the "6 week miracle traіning program" that got them there.

Can you guess how they got their medals?

Think it might have been through a quality traіning "process?"

Can you guess what kind of programs we use at All-Star Sports Academy?

I'll give you a hint: 6 weeks is just about a good start.

Questions? Comments? Feel free to let me know!


Friday, March 18, 2011

Congressional knuckleheads introduce bill to "solve" a problem they helped create

So according to the news, Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) and Representative Ron Kind (D-WI) have introduced a bill to re-establish Physical Education in schools. Read about it here: http://www.mdnews.com/news/2011_03/rep-kind-senator-harkin-reintrod...

These 2 geniuses think that by "mandating" that "all school districts and states to report on students’ physical activity, including the amount of time spent in required physical education in relation to the recommended national standard," somehow that will solve the childhood obesity epidemic.

Silly congressmonkeys, passing bills isn't really "working" on the problem!

Hilarious. Seriously, these 2 guys are supported by educational reformers who have consistently worked to install useless "educational reforms" so our kids have to study everything from "cultural awareness" to "anti-bullying sensitivity" (actual school course/program titles.)

Teachers and administrators have challenging jobs that get tougher every time one of these ridiculous "Advancements" gets shoved down their throats.

The important point here: Congress has been a large part of the problem in the development of childhood obesity and the move towards fatter, unhealthier kids (and adults) in this country.

Senator Harkin has taken well over $5.5 million dollars in reported campaign contributions from organizations and individuals related to the agriculture, pharmaceutical, hospital and "food manufacturing" industries (i.e., companies who make all the fat and sugar laden "food" that makes our kids fat. Harkin has supported corn growers in congress, as well as companies making high-fructose corn syrup, a major factor in the fattening of America's kids!Harkin now blames our educational system for the rise in childhood obesity. Um, yeah...

Mr. Kind is no better. Congressman Kind took well over $1 million from agribusiness and health/hospital related organizations and individuals. Wisconsin is well known for it's dairy products. So while he protects his constituency by representing their interests in congress, he now turns around and blames a lack of P.E. in schools for the epidemic of childhood obesity in America! Okey dokey, Ronnie...

Look, corn is fine. Cheese and dairy have their place in normal nutritional plans.

On the other hand, Congress has no place telling parents and kids how and when they should exercise and then mandating others to pay for it.

Here's a thought: let's encourage these congressmonkeys to stop their constant meddling in education, fitness and nutrition.

Let's try this:

  1. Let's return to a scholastic concentration on the basics - math, english, sciences, literature, history...and phys ed.
  2. Let's focus on the safety and security of our towns and neighborhoods so kids can get out and play.
  3. Let's work together to create and support true "rec" sports programs.
  4. Let's encourage kids to turn off the electronics (as I write on my laptop...irony!) and go engage in physical play.

Let them play tag. Let them play kickball. Heck, let them play dodgeball! We do, and they love it!

All-Star Sports Academy is here to support a return to physical play. Ask us how we can help YOUR kids return to a "physical culture" and feel, look and DO better!

We've been helping parents motivate their children to love exercise and fitness since March 2008 and we have no intention of letting up now!

Call us today and come on over and play!

Phil Hueston, NASM-PES, IYCA-YFS
All-Star Sports Academy


"Welcome to the Athlete Underground!"

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Is Cheerleading the Most Hazardous of All Sports?

While reading up on the whole "Is cheerleading a sport?" debate, I came across a few interesting factoids that seem to be overlooked. (Btw, cheer IS a sport - you train to create precise "plays" and you get scored on it...'nuff said)

According to this article http://www.nationalcheersafety.com/cheerisasport.pdf, "71% of catastrophically injured female college athletes are cheerleaders" - Mueller F. O., Cantu R. C. Twenty-Sixth Annual Report for Catastrophic Sports Injury Research. Fall 1982–Spring 2008. Chapel Hill, NC: National Center for Catastrophic Sports Injury Research; 2008.

Ankle, knee, shoulder and back injuries make up approximately 50% of all injuries to cheerleaders. (Several sources, including the American Association of Pediatrics and the National CheerSafety Foundation.

Unfortunately, head and neck trauma and spinal injuries from falls make up a significant portion of the remaining 50%.

The good news here? The ankle, knee, shoulder and back injuries that occur most frequently in cheer are eminently preventable with the proper kinds of strength, power, flexibility and core training!

When you employ the concepts and techniques of integrated sports fitness to the cheerleader's body and sports performance, joint stabilization and overall strength is greatly enhanced and cheer skills get sharper. The net result is the virtual elimination of non-contact joint injuries!

That's great news for cheerleaders AND those who love and support them!

Want to know more about how to cheer better and with fewer injuries? Contact me or give All-Star Sports Academy a call at 732-597-3725 and we'll be happy to help.Cheer on - injury free!

Phil Hueston, NASM-PES, IYCA-YFS
All-Star Sports Academy


"Welcome to the Athlete Underground!"

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Can you do this? KB SB Crunch Press

Here's a great core strength and stabilization exercise.

Lumbar spine stability during upper extremtiy extension and pushing movements is critical to both power production and injury prevention.

The ability to recruit the deep abdominal stabilizers during functional movement also aids in throwing movements and is critical to speed, agility and quickness for athletes.

If you're a football player or other iron athlete, we'll show you how this can help you get a bigger bench!

See you in the Athlete Underground!


Monday, March 14, 2011

Can YOU do THIS?

The SAQ Ladder Crossover Shuffle helps athletes develop the ability to change direction quickly, particularly in situations requiring the athlete to step across his/her body.

It also assists in the development of good ankle mobility, knee stability and the stability of the lumbar spine during counter-rot......ational athletic movements.

Ready to be a better athlete? Tired of looking up the depth chart and wondering when you'll "get your shot?" Ready to get noticed by coaches, recruiters and scouts?

Get into the Athlete Underground and raise your game!


Friday, March 11, 2011

SL Squat and Roll

Can YOU do THIS?

Deceleration skills and the ability to effectively break falls is essential to preventing injuries for athletes.

Here's a great core exercise that emphasizes glute strength/stability and both deceleration skills and ability to break your fall.

If you can't do this at least this well, we'll help!


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