Friday, March 18, 2011

Congressional knuckleheads introduce bill to "solve" a problem they helped create

So according to the news, Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) and Representative Ron Kind (D-WI) have introduced a bill to re-establish Physical Education in schools. Read about it here:

These 2 geniuses think that by "mandating" that "all school districts and states to report on students’ physical activity, including the amount of time spent in required physical education in relation to the recommended national standard," somehow that will solve the childhood obesity epidemic.

Silly congressmonkeys, passing bills isn't really "working" on the problem!

Hilarious. Seriously, these 2 guys are supported by educational reformers who have consistently worked to install useless "educational reforms" so our kids have to study everything from "cultural awareness" to "anti-bullying sensitivity" (actual school course/program titles.)

Teachers and administrators have challenging jobs that get tougher every time one of these ridiculous "Advancements" gets shoved down their throats.

The important point here: Congress has been a large part of the problem in the development of childhood obesity and the move towards fatter, unhealthier kids (and adults) in this country.

Senator Harkin has taken well over $5.5 million dollars in reported campaign contributions from organizations and individuals related to the agriculture, pharmaceutical, hospital and "food manufacturing" industries (i.e., companies who make all the fat and sugar laden "food" that makes our kids fat. Harkin has supported corn growers in congress, as well as companies making high-fructose corn syrup, a major factor in the fattening of America's kids!Harkin now blames our educational system for the rise in childhood obesity. Um, yeah...

Mr. Kind is no better. Congressman Kind took well over $1 million from agribusiness and health/hospital related organizations and individuals. Wisconsin is well known for it's dairy products. So while he protects his constituency by representing their interests in congress, he now turns around and blames a lack of P.E. in schools for the epidemic of childhood obesity in America! Okey dokey, Ronnie...

Look, corn is fine. Cheese and dairy have their place in normal nutritional plans.

On the other hand, Congress has no place telling parents and kids how and when they should exercise and then mandating others to pay for it.

Here's a thought: let's encourage these congressmonkeys to stop their constant meddling in education, fitness and nutrition.

Let's try this:

  1. Let's return to a scholastic concentration on the basics - math, english, sciences, literature, history...and phys ed.
  2. Let's focus on the safety and security of our towns and neighborhoods so kids can get out and play.
  3. Let's work together to create and support true "rec" sports programs.
  4. Let's encourage kids to turn off the electronics (as I write on my laptop...irony!) and go engage in physical play.

Let them play tag. Let them play kickball. Heck, let them play dodgeball! We do, and they love it!

All-Star Sports Academy is here to support a return to physical play. Ask us how we can help YOUR kids return to a "physical culture" and feel, look and DO better!

We've been helping parents motivate their children to love exercise and fitness since March 2008 and we have no intention of letting up now!

Call us today and come on over and play!

Phil Hueston, NASM-PES, IYCA-YFS
All-Star Sports Academy

"Welcome to the Athlete Underground!"

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