Tuesday, April 5, 2011

One "tiny" factor in YOUR energy levels

Many things affect our energy levels.

Some of us just don't get enough sleep. Others have our sleep habits disrupted by repeated schedule change and interruptions. People working swing or night shifts and parents with newborns and infants know just what I mean.

Stress is a big energy drain. Manage your stress (sleep, diet and exercise all help...I know, easier said than done!)

Others are affected by pharmaceuticals, either prescribed or recreational. Everything from alcohol to the harder stuff can take a toll on energy levels.

Diet and exercise, of course, also impact our energy levels. But aside from the obvious things like calorie intake, sugar and fat intake and lack of (or too much) exercise, there's a "tiny" factor that greatly impacts your energy levels and how your body produces energy.

Mitochondria are microscopic structures in your cells. In muscle cells, they produce ATP, or adenosine tri-phosphate, which your muscles use to create energy for movement. Here's a closer look:

An "inside" look at your mitochondria

Many things can affect mitochondrial ATP production as well as the number of mitochondria in your cells.

Diet and exercise are two big factors. Regular exercise can increase the number of mitochondria in your cells, providing the potential for more energy production.

Poor diet and lack of certain critical nutrients, however, can hurt your mitochondria and your energy production.

Here's a great article that talks about some specific nutritional action YOU can take to nurture your mitochondria and crank up your energy production: Secret Microscopic Help in Your Weight Loss Battle!

The writer describes some specific things to do and eat to make these little engines chug along better!

If you want help with the exercise side of the equation (and the nutrition side) contact us!

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