Monday, April 20, 2009

Coach off the excess weight

Researchers at Duke University Medical School have "discovered" something our clients have known for years.

Their research reinforces our belief that working with a professional to lose body fat, change your body shape and develop healthy habits results in better, well, better results!!

They studied people who lost at least 8.8 lbs over a six month weight-loss phase. Lo and behold, the group that worked with a fitness/diet professional kept off more of the unwanted weight than any other group!

Frankly, we're not surprised! Our clients tell us that it's easier to keep off unwanted pounds when you have someone who cares about your results guiding and helping you to your goals.

THAT is the essence of why our programs work. We care about your results, and the programs are easy to follow and FUN!

Speaking of fun and effective body transformation programs, have you registered for the amazing
Get a Swimsuit Ready Body by July 4th! kickoff session yet?

What are you waiting for?

For a teeny tiny $10 registration fee, you'll walk away with over $75 in bonuses (we just added "A Woman's Fat Loss Strategy", a 10 step eating, diet and lifestyle guide to the body you want. It's a $20 value, and it's included as a bonus for registering for the May 1st, 7:30 PM Kickoff Session!)

May 1st, 7:30 PM at our Strength & Conditioning Center at 1856 Route 9, Toms River

$10 registration for the kickoff, and we promise some awesome stuff that night!

Over $75 worth of bonuses just for registering and taking the first step!

See you there, and then we'll see YOU showing off this summer!

A quick and very useful recipe today:

Better Butter!

This is the best butter replacement we’ve ever found. It requires you to do a little work, but the rewards in taste and good health are well worth it!


2 cups Extra Virgin Olive Oil

2 cups softened organic (salted or unsalted) butter


Place the ingredients into a large mixing bowl. Using a power beater, slowly blend the olive oil and butter together.

Blend until the mixture is smooth.

Transfer contents of bowl into several table serving-size containers.

Place in refrigerator until firm like butter.

Use it just like butter, as well as for cooking lubrication and as a substitute for olive oil in cooking meats and vegetables, if desired.

Nutrition Info (approx. for 1 Tbsp
Calories ---- 110
Fat Calories ---- 110
Total Fat ---- 12.5 grams
Saturated Fat ---- 4.5 grams
Monounsaturated Fat ----- 5.5 grams
Polyunsaturated Fat ----- .75 grams

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