Wednesday, April 15, 2009

One of the essentials

For what seems like forever, the fitness industry has been trying to come up with a "better" exercise for integrated core and upper body strength than the push-up.

With all the fancy-schmancy machines and exercise toys on the market, the bottom line remains the same.

The push-up is still king when it comes to developing core stabilization, strength and power! Every single athlete, regardless of sport, should master the push up and include it in their training program!

Now that's not saying that all you have to do to get killer core strength is your basic 2 arm, 2 leg, straight-up-and-down military style push-up.

But too many trainers think they can improve their athletes' strength and power by jumping right to the "cool" exercises, instead of mastering the basics and then progressing to more advanced techniques.

I know, you're saying "yeah, yeah, I know. I've heard you say it a million times!"

Really, then why do most athletes look like a seal begging for fish when they try even a straightforward push-up?

Here's a little video we put together about push-ups and some variations.

Watch closely. If you can't master the very first one, don't move on to any of the others. Well, except maybe the very last one, since it really requires NO athletic skill that I'm aware of.

As an aside, the athlete you'll see in the first segment was able to do about 6 of the push-ups you see early on with me. Within weeks, he could do 20-25 at a clip. Yeah, they're THAT effective! Enjoy!

After you watch, and you're ready to learn how to do the push-up and about 200 variations correctly, as well as get in the best athletic shape of your life, go here:

We'll see YOU at All-Star Sports Academy!

PS...If you're not using Prograde Workout Shake as a pre- or post-workout meal replacement, you might be eating garbage!

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