Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Want better workouts (and results?)

Then you have to warm up and get flexible!

Today's post is short and sweet. In our Sports Performance Center everyone warms up and uses flexibility training to improve performance and results.

Now, there's a gulf of difference between stretching and flexibility training

Stretching is simply applying pressure against the muscle's natural response (called a myotatic stretch response) until the fibers of the muscle begin to lengthen. This may or may not always be a good idea.

Flexibility training is the process by which we develop the ability within a muscle, muscle group or around a joint to move within a full range of motion (ROM) with stability and without limitation, at varying speeds and in all planes of motion.

How do we do that? Good question! First, we need to get muscles warm. We can do this with some simple movement exercises, like skipping, light jogging and lunges for the lower body and push up rotations, rotational punching and light medicine ball work for the upper body.

Warm-up movements should be performed with 2 ends in mind: 1.) create blood flow to muscles and joints, and 2.) reinforce proper functional movement patterns.

Beginning with a solid functional warm-up will help create and reinforce the kind of functional ROM athletes (and everyone else!) need to improve sports performance.

We do recommend and program in some "stretches" in the warm-up phase. These, however, are usually integrated into the movements we're using, or directly related to them. More on those next week.

If you'd like more information on this topic, contact us through the website: http://www.allstarsportsacademynj.com

To get a complimentary one week trial in any of our breakthrough training programs, click here:
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And don't forget! May 1st at 7:30 PM, we'll be hosting the kickoff session for Get a Swimsuit-ready Body by July 4th!!

Click here to reserve your seat:

For a $10 registration, you'll walk away with over $60 in bonuses to help you look hot, hot, hot this summer!!

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