Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Speed, Power and Endurance...gotta have 'em!

Circuit Training is a perfect training method for short-duration strength/speed/power endurance.

Ice hockey, soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, tennis, volleyball and even football and basketball consist of repeated short bursts of high intensity work.

They also require high levels of dynamic stability, and the ability to change direction quickly and efficiently. Lacking this ability is a prescription for injury.

Circuit training, with stations lasting 30-90 seconds, is a great way to develop the kind of speed, power and strength required for successful sports performance.

How many exercises you include can vary.

If possible, try to include some "mirror" exercises. These are exercises that mimic movements typically performed in the sport for which you are preparing.

Circuit Training Guidelines - Short-duration strength/speed/power endurance
Load: 50 - 65% of theoretical 1 RM (this is less critical than most people - and trainers - think)
Number of Exercises: in each circuit 6-15 (for variety, use different variations each circuit)
Time per station: 30-90 seconds
Number of circuits per session: 2-5
Rest between stations: 10-90 seconds
Rest between circuits: 90 seconds - 3 minutes
Speed of movement: Moderate to as fast as proper form allows
Frequency: 2 - (max.) 3 times/week

Click here for your Free One Week Trial at All-Star Sports Academy!

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