Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year From All-Star!!

All-Star Sports Academy wishes everyone a New Year 2009 thats




and most of all


It's 2009! Isn't it time we saw YOU at All-Star Sports Academy?

Friday, December 26, 2008

It's Cold Out....Go Out and Exercise!

Yeah, sure...we know. It's cold out. No, it's frigid! Icy! Ridiculously frosty! So that means it's time to take walking, running and other forms of exercise indoors, right?

Wrong! In fact, cold weather outdoor exercise can increase cardio response and promote better autoimmune function. If, that is, you do it correctly!

Here are some tips to help you keep your program on pace without packing into a sweaty, noisy gym and getting on a treadmill (heaven forbid! More on this counterproductive piece of junk in a later post.)

1. Check with doc if you have asthma or a heart condition
- Most people can exercise outdoors in the cold with little additional risk. If you have asthma or a heart issue, though, check with your doctor first.

2. Layer it on! -
Did you know that when you exercise, the heat generated by your body can make it feel 30 degrees warmer than it really is? It's true! So dressing too warmly to start your session can actually make you "overheat" while working out!

Of course, as you sweat and get tired, you can get chilled. The solution? Multiple, thin layers you can remove as you get warm, then replace if you start to chill. The Mayo Clinic recommends a layer of polypropylene or other "wicking" material next to the skin. Avoid cotton, which stays wet and clings to skin. Next, try fleece, says Mayo, for insulation. Top this with a layer of breathable, waterproof material.

This combination should do the trick. Add fleece or wicking layers if needed. If cotton is a necessary choice as a layer, put it between the wicking material and the fleece. If it's 0 degrees or below, use a scarf or face mask to cover the mouth.

3. Choose the "right stuff!"
- Use reflective gear at night. This is true no matter what time of year it is. Make sure your running/walking/training shoes have enough "bite" to help you keep your footing. Try wider base shoes for winter running. If you ski/snowboard...wear a helmet!

4. Remember the fluids and sunscreen! -
You may not think so, but you can dehydrate easily while exercising in the winter. The outside air is usually dry as well as cold, exacerbating dehydration even during moderate exercise. Sunscreen will help not only with the winter sun, but with windburn as well. SPF 15 and UVA/UVB protection are a good start. SPF lip balm will also keep the "chap" away.

5. Catch a headwind and pay attention to the wind chill! -
If running or walking, start with the wind in your face. That way, when you're returning, tired and sweaty, it will be at your back.

Wind passes over the body, venting the warm layer of insulating air near the skin. Moving fast, as in running, skiing, skating, snowboarding, etc., also creates wind chill as the air moves past you. Example: skiing at 20 miles an hour on a 10 degree day creates a wind chill of -9 degrees! If the ambient temperature is well below 0, you
may want to choose an indoor activity!

6. Know when something is wrong! -
You need to be aware of the signs of frostibite (paleness of skin, numbness, loss of sensation or a stinging sensation) and hypothermia (intense shivering, slurred speech, loss of coordination, fatigue).

For frostbite, get where it's warm and slowly warm the affected area (don't rub it!) For hypothermia, get help immediately! Hypothermia requires medical treatment to prevent complications.

7. Get motivated, stay smart! -
There's no reason to hole up indoors and wait for spring! You can stay in the great outdoors and stay safe. Just be aware of how to prepare and how to prevent potential problems!

As always, if you have questions about this or any other exercise topic, feel free to contact us. Just go to and let us know how we can help you!

And we'll see YOU at All-Star Sports Academy!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Holidays from All-Star Sports Academy!

All of us at All-Star Sports Academy would like to take this opportunity to say

Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah and Happy Holidays!!

We're taking the 24th and 25th off to be with those we love, but we'll be right

back at it on the 26th!!

Check the website for the Holiday 2008 schedule:

Thank you to all of you who have helped us grow our practice in 2008,

and we look forward to serving you in 2009 and beyond!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

"You're going to Disney World!"

Well, you've certainly got a shot at it!

The 1st and 10 Club "Send Me to Florida Referral Contest" is on!

Get in the game now!

Here's the guidelines:

Rules and Guidelines

1. Contest Period – The contest will begin on December 30, 2008. Official end-of-referrals date will be January 30, 2009. Enrollments completed by February 7th will count toward contest totals. Winners will be announced on or about February 22, 2009

2. Prizes – Winner in each category will receive a 4 night, 5 day Wyndham hotel vacation package to Florida. Package includes 2 nights in Destin, Daytona Beach or Fort Lauderdale, followed by 2 nights in Orlando. Winner is responsible for airfare, rental cars and all other associated costs. Also included is a one hour Sports Massage Therapy Gift Certificate from In-Touch Massage Center in Toms River, 4 movie passes, Nutritional Consultations, All-Star Sports Academy swag, free pizza and more! Prize list will grow, so check back often!

3. "Send Me to Florida Referral Contest" is open only to those enrolled in All-Star Sports Academy training programs, and parents of those enrolled. Contestants must fill out their agreement sheets before participating in the contest. Trainees enrolling during the contest period are also eligible to participate and win.

4. Contestants can take up to five (5) "1st and 10" cards at a time. All other conditions of the "1st and 10" Club will be in effect during the contest, including the 10% "thank you" bonus for all referrers.

5. How to qualify: Any contestant who refers at least three (3) new referrals to All-Star Sports Academy during the contest period will be qualified to win the contest. Simply be sure each referral is registered in the "Send Me to Florida Referral Contest" journal by an All-Star employee. That's it!

6. Referred persons will be granted one (1) trial week, credited to the person whose name is on the card which is returned to All-Star Sports Academy. After the trial period is complete, the referred person will have until February 7th, 2009 to complete enrollment, whether online or via physical enrollment and payment.

7. Referrals will be credited to the individual whose name is on the card presented by the referred person. All-Star Sports Academy reserves the right to split referrals or otherwise resolve disputes over duplicate cards or referrals. In the event of a tie in new enrollments, the contestant with the higher number of total referrals will be the winner.

8. Contest will be based on individual referrals only. Family members' referrals will not be combined to increase score.

9. One prize will be awarded in each of two (2) categories: Youth Athlete League and Adult or Parent League. Youth Athlete League is for those enrolled in FitKidz!, Small Group Training or Team Training. Adult or Parent League is for parents of those in the Youth Athletic League or those enrolled in Power Fitness Camp for Women. YOU want to be the one saying "I'm going to Disney World?" If you're already a member of our community, just ask how! We'll get you set up to go!

If you're not enrolled with us now, just go to and click on "Free Trial Membership" to get started!

Get in the game! Get your friends and teammates in it! Get your family to Florida!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Before you join a "health club" for New Year's...

Here's a quick thought about "Health Clubs."

These businesses don't seem to have to deliver on what they claim to be providing customers. One industry insider says these "health clubs" have the worst business model ever!

Each January, millions of Americans slog into these clubs to fulfill "resolutions." That's when the trouble starts!

These "resolutionaries," as we call them, get pounced on by the monthly billing predators! "Health Club" sales reps, many of whom (not all!) are about as "professional" as drive-by shooters, take advantage of these good people and their desire for change!

If you've been on the receiving end of this treatment, you know what I mean. Feigned sincerity, "gotcha" questions and smoke-and-mirrors presentations are followed by steamrolling and cornering sales tactics, designed to "overcome your objections."

Wait! Didn't you go in there with the intention of determining if it was the right place for you to help fulfill your resolution? And the "health club" salesclown felt it necessary to run you over and "overcome your objections?"

Just to add insult to injury, after you do sign up (usually because it's
less painful than fighting your way out of the salesclown's office), their "system" fails you miserably. Here's where the "worst business model ever" kicks in!

Go to a fast-food joint with money, you get food, right? Ok, junk food, but you still get what you expected, right? They have all intentions of providing it to you in exchange for your hard earned cash. If you don't get your food, you'll get your money back.

Go to a used car dealership, same thing. You'll get what you came in for - a car. If not, you're very unlikely to not have your money
and not have a car when you're done!

Go to a "health club" with money, you'll get health and wellness, right? WRONG!

At "health clubs," if you reach your fitness goals (the very things for which you joined the club in the first place) you'll be part of a very exclusive group.

According to "health club" industry groups, only about 10% of all people who join a "health club" EVER reach their fitness goals there!
Check out these stats:
Of January joiners:
25% - NEVER come back after their initial visit and enrollment (great job by the salesclown and the club, huh?)

50% - will stop coming in after February 15th.

63% - will stop coming in by March 15th.

70% - will have stopped coming in by April 15th.

Oddly enough, virtually all of these people will continue to be billed monthly, and keep paying the "health club" that failed them in the first place! So you don't get what you wanted and paid for, but you keep paying for it anyway!

To us, this is unreasonable and unethical. That's why we offer a free trial membership for any of our programs!

Visit us here: and see which programs meet your needs. We'll let you try it out for a week, no obligation, no strings!

We work very hard to make sure you want to come back, and we'll help you reach your goals! So you can spend $19.99 to $59 amonth or more and not get results but keep paying, or you can invest a little more, have total control over your investment, and get the results you want!

The choice is yours. We have a funny feeling we'll see YOU at All-Star Sports Academy!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Don't get tripped up by Holiday "treats!"

To follow up on a theme...

It's easy to stuff yourself full of delicious holiday treats without even realizing it! There you are at a party or event, chatting away or hanging out with friends and just nibbling away.

They're just little finger foods...chips and dips, shrimp, those little hot dogs wrapped in dough, egg rolls, etc. They don't really have a lot of extra calories, do they?

hot dog or ONE egg roll or ONE shrimp stuffed whatchamacallit probably wouldn't add a Santa sack to your belly or thighs, so go ahead, have just one. I dare you. In fact, I'll breach etiquette here and TRIPLE DOG DARE YOU!

Let's face it, nobody has just one fatty, high calorie
delicious and satisfying holiday snack treat when they're presented! So here's a couple "tricks" to use so you don't end up "treating" yourself to unwanted pound this Holiday Season:
  1. Never go out hungry! - Many of us don't eat enough during the day, or in the hours leading up to a party or event because we're "saving up" our calories for the food that will be served. Eat normally throughout the day. If it's been several hours since you last ate, and you're getting ready to go out, have a small snack of veggies or even some whole grain crackers, with some water. Even a small snack will help tame the ravenous hunger beast you would otherwise take to the party!
  2. Start slow! - Too often, people get to a party and dive right in to the food! Start slow, say hello to everyone and get something to drink, like seltzer water, ginger ale or (if you must) diet soda. The carbonation will partly fill your stomach. Then take a small serving of appetizers or food. After you finish that, reassess how hungry you really are!
  3. Eat natural! - If you choose foods that are as close to natural as possible, chances are good you'll be eating things that, at the least, have vegetables or fruits as ingredients! This is definitely better than, say, processed "Mexican" appys or processed meat snacks. This is no guarantee, of course, just a good general idea!
  4. Enjoy the company! - Focus on enjoying the people around you, and let the food and drink be an accessory. The Holidays are a time for us to appreciate the people in our lives (yes, even THOSE people, whoever they are!) Take part in those lively conversations! Play games! Talk about the people who can't be there. Of course, during this fun, enjoy some good food and drink...wisely and responsibly!
Do you have a "Holiday Food Survival Technique" of your own? One you heard somewhere that really works? By all means, add it below in the comments section!

The Holidays are also a great time to give yourself the gift of fitness! We'll help!

Go here: A Free Week of Fitness for the Holidays! We'll give you a week in any of our outstanding programs. Note that this is for those who aren't there already...our clients already get the best in fitness from us!

We'll See YOU at All-Star Sports Academy!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Gremlins ate our links

I don't know what happened.

Apparently, the grinch, or maybe some gremlins ate
several links from yesterday's newsletter.

Thanks to those of you who emailed to tell us.

The proper parties have been tracked down and flogged
with a wet noodle.

Here are those links again, fixed and de-gremlined:
Prograde Workout - The post-workout shake for athletes
and everyone else

Prograde Cravers - Nutritional snack bars

Prograde Lean - Meal replacement shake for those seeking to
reduce body fat and build lean muscle.

PS...The Holiday Specials for FitKidz! Sports Fitness and Small Group Training
have been extended through the end of 2008!! Take advantage now and give your
kids and athletes the gift of awesome fitness and performance!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Festivus from All-Star Sports Academy!

Monday, December 15, 2008

The most dangerous time of the year?

The holiday season is one of the most festive times of year, and one of the most dangerous, too.

Dangerous, that is, if you're trying to improve your athletic performance, lose body fat and get lean,
or simply maintain your current weight, body fat and/or fitness levels!

It's not just the delicious foods and beverages that can doom you, however. Sometimes it's as simple
as falling out of routine. For many, the safety of maintaining an exercise and eating schedule is lost
during this time. Here are a few suggestions that may help keep you on track:
  1. Think about your holiday schedule ahead of time, and make adjustments accordingly. If you
    normally work out in the evening, think about a temporary time change on the days you have
    events to attend. This may seem like a "no-brainer," but if you don't think it through, you may
    find yourself missing workouts. Plan your workouts, then "work your plan" to get them in, and
    you'll feel great throughout the Holidays!
  2. Get efficient about your workouts! Instead of spending 90 minutes or more in the gym, find a
    workout that gets you the functional resistance training, cardio training, ab and core training
    and flexibility training you'd like to get from your overly long gym workouts, but in under 60
    minutes start-to-finish! Suggestion: try an integrated workout like Small Group Training if
    you're an athlete 13+ years old, or Power Fitness Camp for Women if you're a woman/mom! You
    can get a one week trial membership for any of All-Star Sports Academy's great programs here:
    All-Star Trial Membership! There are absolutely no tricks, no obligations and no strings!
    We'll let you come in and try us out for a whole week!
  3. Walk 20 a day! Minutes, not miles! All too often, we work out to eat. You see this every year
    on Thanksgiving morning. People stuffed into gyms, walking and jogging on treadmills, flying
    on ellipticals and packing the "group fitness" studio! Not because it's part of their plan; they
    do it because they figure they can "pre-burn" the calories they're going to pour in later that day!
    Instead of a sure-fire formula for failure, simply add 20 minutes of walking each day. If you're an
    athlete in training, try jogging those 20 minutes.
Try these simple things and we're sure you'll get through the Holiday Season with a lot less stress and a
lot more fitness success! Who knows, you may even give yourself a new gift of fitness!

Go ahead, get a one week trial on us! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah and even Happy Festivus!

We'll see YOU at All-Star Sports Academy!

Phil, Brian and Sean
All-Star Sports Academy

Prograde Nutrition - You can still give yourself or someone you love the gift of great nutrition! Athletes
will love Prograde Workout, the best post-workout meal replacement on the market! Trying to shed unwanted
pounds and body fat? Try Prograde Lean! And of course, everyone loves Cravers Nutrition Snacks!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Train with your friends, go to Florida on All-Star!!

Starting December 15th, you'll have the chance to help your friends train smarter and get better results...and win hotel accomodations in Florida on us!!

Look for all the details right here tomorrow, but for now, here's a little teaser:

So...are you in the game or not?

We'll see YOU at All-Star Sports Academy!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Santa says "don't be naughty..."

Pretty soon, it'll be Winter Break for all those kids we sent off to college this year.

At college, they have their coaches and trainers to lead them through the process. At more than
one college, they are using exercises and programs written by All-Star Sports Academy to prepare for their upcoming campaigns! Not so much here at home. Until now!

You see, Santa Claus called us and said "why don't you fellas set up a Sports Fitness Training Program for all the college athletes who've been good boys and girls, working soooo hard at school! They're all on my "Nice" list, and I wouldn't want them (or you, All-Star) to end up on the "Naughty" list. But that's what will happen if they spend Winter Break sitting around eating Mom's cooking and drinking egg nog!"

Who are we to argue with Santa?!? We don't want coal in our stockings! So here's our holiday gift to you:
College Winter Break Small Group Training. Hint - find Bluto from "Animal House!"

We've arranged for college-aged athletes to be able to get great Sports Fitness Training during their Winter Break right here at All-Star Sports Academy...
and we're going to make it available for a few bux a day! Come in as often as you'd like and work with our professional trainers in Small Group Training for only $149! Whether you're on break for 4 weeks, 6 weeks or longer, the enrollment fee is the same, $149!

This is no gym membership where you have to put up with a drop-off in the quality of your Sports Fitness
Training and Preparation. This is the real, deal: straight up training that works! Every session is run by one of our trainers and gets you in and out in about an hour! So there's still time for friends and holiday cheer!

This is the place to start: College Winter Break Small Group Training - and look for Bluto!

We'll see YOU at All-Star Sports Academy!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A very, very merry offer!

Until December 15th!

Save a very merry $200 on a three month enrollment
in Small Group Training!*

Enroll your 13-18 year old athlete in the most effective and results-oriented Sports Fitness Program available, and your first month enrollment will be an unbelievable $99!

Your 2nd and 3rd months will be only $149 a month! That's a $200 savings over the usual 3 month enrollment!*

But just like Santa's gone after Christmas Eve,
this special is gone on December 16th!

So go visit us at Small Group Sports Fitness Training
to find out more and get enrolled!

This is a Holiday Bonanza, just when everyone needs one!

We'll see YOU at All-Star Sports Academy!

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Clock is Ticking...

I had the chance to watch some football over the weekend.
I noticed something interesting.

It seems that the youth obesity problem in America is finally

becoming a national issue! The NFL is running spots for its'
program to encourage kids to play at least 60 minutes a day.
Public service spots are showing up. There's even a "nutritional
weight loss" program (you know a d-i-e-t) for kids!

I'm sure the NFL has good intentions, but has Peyton Manning

and company shown up at your kids' school yet? If he does,
what happens when he leaves? What kind of habits will your
kids return to then?

Don't even get me started on "diets" for kids! The ad I saw was for

the same kind of processed, pre-packaged robotic shove-it-in-
and-never-think nonsense that doesn't work for anyone else!

Kids need to play. At least 60 minutes a day, preferably more!

They need to run, jump, crawl, skip, throw, push, pull, hop, move
stuff, cooperate, compete and problem-solve on the fly!

Kids also need to eat. They need to eat real food! The trick is

getting them to make better choices, and to learn to like the real,
healthy, delicious foods that will make them strong and vibrant!

All-Star Sports Academy is dedicated to the health and fitness

of kids! Athletes, bookworms and everyone in between! Our
FitKidz! Fitness and Wellness Program for kids is growing by
the day!

We're working hard to reverse the trend in America that will

have 50% of our kids overweight by 2010, and will result in this
being the first generation of kids who will not outlive their parents!

Right now, we're making it easier to get your kids into the best

functional fitness program for kids available anywhere. Until
December 15th, we're giving you the first month of your child's
enrollment for a measly $39, and the next 2 at only $59!
Just visit: FitKidz! Fitness for Kidz!

You'll find lots of information about the program, and you can
enroll your kids in minutes!

So come on, let's get your kids, and America's kids, moving, having
fun, and on track to a long, healthy life! Together we can turn a
tragic trend into an incredible and exciting future!

Get on over to FitKidz! Fitness for Kidz! and get the party started!

Your kids are counting on you!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Leadership and responsibility

The captain of a local high school sports team here walked into the locker room on the first day of tryouts at the crack of dawn and made a disturbing announcement.

Had someone died? Was a teammate injured in a car accident or sports-related incident?

No. His important announcement? "I don't want to be here. I'm hung over."

Hung over. One of the captains of the team.

high school!

Now, I'm not going to preach about the dangers of teenage drinking, or the long term effects of alcohol on health and sports performance.

What matters here is that this clown threw his pre-tryout night drinking binge and resultant hangover out there like a badge of honor.

Something of which to be proud.

Something, perhaps, that other team members, underclassmen and future captains should aspire to achieve.

A tryout hangover!

Here's what I think.

Strip him of his captaincy. Now. Yesterday. Publicly.

Then cut him. Turn him loose...ban him from the locker room and the arena.

Make it known that any team member associating with him will be benched. Maybe even cut.

Set an example for the rest of the team and the school community that this kind of crap is intolerable.

Set the tone for the future. A future without that kind of idiotic behavior.

Otherwise, your team gets to try and play in a present tainted by the small-minded bufoonery this "captain" represents!

What kind of culture will that create? Certainly not a "Culture of Victory With Integrity!"

Every captain, every senior leader and every underclass leader has a massive responsibility to everyone who looks to them for leadership and every underclassman who will come after them.

Leadership. Creating a team culture where victorious habits, speech and actions are the only acceptable ones.

In other words, recognizing and living the phrase every team we work with hears from us repeatedly:

What you leave behind is infinitely more important than what you accomplish here and now!

Do you agree? Then you belong here, and we'll see YOU at All-Star Sports Academy!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

High Def...Sports Fitness?

If you've watched even a tiny amount of television lately, you've been hearing about "High Definition," and the coming switch to HD TV signals.

What about the idea of "High Definition Sports Fitness and Preparation?"

Why not improve the quality of the "signal" being sent through your body when you want to perform at your best?

How about the idea of turning the "definition" of your athletes' sports performance and enjoyment into "high definition?"

Well, it can be done!

All-Star Sports Academy is offering you the chance to bring your sports fitness and performance into "High Definition," regardless of the chosen sport!

Simply click here for your trial membership in the "High Definition Sports Fitness and Preparation" club!

In the note area, just write "I want High Definition Sports Skills!"

We'll get you started right away on your path to playing better, and enjoying the process!

As always, you can call us at 732-597-3725!

We'll see YOU at All-Star Sports Academy!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What to eat for breakfast!

Athletes often ask us "What can I eat for breakfast?"

Very good question, since breakfast can make or break your nutritional day!

We're reprinting the recipes for 2 of our favorite breakfast meals.

Enjoy them!

Athlete Builder Breakfast Burrito

The way for an athlete – or anyone who wants to eat well and feed their metabolism – to start the day!


This breakfast burrito has all the ingredients you need to start the day off right! Protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals are all found in this great meal! As a bonus, the “eggs and stuff” can be cooked the night before, reheated in a microwave and added to the wrap in the morning! Saves time and eliminates excuses!

6 egg whites

¼ cup low fat shredded cheddar or “Taco” cheese

½ cup chopped green or red pepper
½ cup diced or chopped tomatoes

1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil

1 high fiber wrap (Mission “Carb-balance” wraps are great for this. High fiber and great taste!)

Optional (use any or all, as desired):

½ cup chopped broccoli
¼ cup chopped mushrooms
¼ cup chopped onion

1. Pre-heat pan over medium heat for 1 minute. Lower heat to med-low and add oil. Make sure the oil covers the bottom of the pan. (Tip: a natural
cooking spray is fine for this, in place of oil)
2. Place eggs, cheese, pepper, tomatoes, and/or desired veggies into a bowl and mix together. Pour evenly into pan. Cook egg mixture either as an omelet, or scramble.

3. When cooked, place into wrap, roll up and eat.

4. Combine with a cup of fresh berries for a perfect breakfast!

Nutritional Information:

350-450 calories
3-4 g total fat (<1 g sat)
low cholesterol
35-50 g carbohydrate
32-36 g protein

21-27 g fiber (using Mission “Carb-balance” Wraps)

If you like other vegetables that seem appropriate, try them!

Here's one more, for good eating!

Amazing Breakfast Pizza

Variety is the spice of life, so why not pizza for breakfast? It’s not as if the “menu police” will come and take you, or, Heaven forbid, your breakfast away! This great recipe serves 4, so simply split it into quarter or half recipes for one or two.

Makes 4 servings

Preparation Time:
10 minutes (20 minutes start to finish!)
Preparation difficulty:


4 ounces packed spinach (4 cups)

5 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil

2 (6 inch) whole-grain pitas, cut in half horizontally

2 large plum tomatoes, sliced thin

4 large eggs

¼ teaspoon salt

¼ teaspoon fresh ground black pepper

2 ounces reduced fat crumbled feta cheese (1/3 cup)

use part skim mozzarella cheese instead!


1. Preheat oven to 450° F

2. Heat 1 teaspoon of olive oil over medium heat in a large non-stick skillet or saucepan. Add spinach (in smaller batches, if needed) and cook until wilted, about 2-3 minutes.

3. Brush the rough side of each pita round with 1 teaspoon olive oil. Place them, oiled side up, on a large baking sheet and bake until they start to brown, about 5 minutes. Remove from oven.

4. Split spinach and tomatoes evenly among pita halves. Leave an empty space in the center of each for an egg. Crack 1 egg into center of each pita. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and return to oven. Bake until yokes are lightly set, about 8-10 minutes. Sprinkle with cheese and continue to bake until cheese has softened, about 2-3 minutes more.

Nutritional Information:

250 calories
13 g total fat (3.5 g sat)
21 g carbohydrate
13 g protein
3 g fiber
500 mg sodium

Now you have 2 simple ways to start the day off right!

To make sure your workouts are "working" for you, stop by All-Star Sports Academy and get your free trial to any of our great Sports Fitness programs!

We'll see YOU at All-Star Sports Academy!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

GM, BMW and your Sports Fitness

I heard on the news this morning that General Motors may be paring back its' investment in product development. You know, research on how to make their cars perform better. Apparently, it's temporary; to get through this "challenging economic time."

Wow! Really? That's the plan? To stop planning and preparing for the future? To surrender your competitive edge by giving up on improving performance?

Have you noticed that "challenging economic times" don't seem to effect Mercedes B
enz and BMW the same way they do GM, Chrysler and Ford?

It's easy to dismiss this as related to the idea that high-end car makers have customers who can afford to buy the best, even if the rest of us are driving Chevy Cobalts or Dodge Neons. (Not that I have a problem with affordable American cars...I drive one!)

I think the real reason has nothing to do with the tax bracket of a typical American auto buyer. It has more to do with how the American auto makers see R & D and the learning process involved with improving car performance. As an expense...a necessary "evil."

Sounds a lot like how many athletes view their training, nutrition, rest and skills improvement!

You see, German and other foreign car makers focus on constantly improving their vehicles. Think about it...when you see a TV ad for BMW, what do they talk about? Let me help you:
German Engineering! In
other words, they brag about the performance results their cars get from all the research and development (learning) they do!

They pride themselves on the fact that they are
constantly improving themselves!

What does this have to do with Sports Fitness Training and Preparation? You mean it's not obvious!?!

I'm glad you asked! You see, All-Star Sports Academy views Sports Fitness as an ongoing learning process. We're constantly doing "R & D" to improve the performance of our athletes.

The key to successful Sports Fitness Preparation is to teach, not train! Athletes who (like BMW) learn the why of their program as well as the how, will enjoy the process more, and get a far better result than those who act like GM and just keep trying to put out the product!

All-Star Sports Academy does the research and develops the programs to teach:
  • Injury prevention
  • Speed and Agility
  • Athletic Strength and Power
  • Flexibility
  • Movement patterns
  • Joint Stability, Mobility and Performance
  • Explosiveness and Quickness
  • Balance and Coordination
  • The "Mental Game"
  • Nutrition, Rest and Regeneration
If we encounter "challenging economic times," it won't change a thing! We'll still be learning, still be working to improve our programs, and still be seeking the best solutions to your Sports Fitness challenges!

And our athletes? Well, you'll know them when you see them. They'll be the ones performing consistently at the top of their game...and responding to all the "challenging times" by succeeding!

Oh yeah...and loving every minute of the journey!

Click here for your trial membership at All-Star Sports Academy:

And...we'll see YOU at All-Star Sports Academy!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Get off the wobble boards!

I walk into gyms and training centers all the time and see it.

"Circus act training." "Daredevil training." Stupid trainer tricks.

Trainers and fitness "professionals" pushing their athletes, and even little old ladies to perform ridiculous stunts under the guise of "functional training."

Just because the training center has wobble boards, bosu balls, stability balls, Airex foam pads and inflatable rubber discs doesn't mean every client has to use them all in every workout.

Most clients are inherently not ready for single leg dumbbell clean and press on a bosu ball.

In fact, most clients can barely sit still on a bosu ball or stand on one leg without stability issues for more than 30 seconds! Forget the dumbbell clean and press!

In fact, here's an example of a balance and stability exercise we use to rapidly develop this incredibly important athletic skill:

SL Kettlebell Crossover Romanian Dead Lift

It's simple, but not easy to perform, and it relies on the most important tool an athlete must master: the neuromuscular system!

Did you realize that use of all those other "functional training tools" could actually
INCREASE your risk of injury while they DECREASE your athletic fitness?

Don't get me wrong. utilizing unstable surfaces or destabilizing movements and positions is not necessarily bad. In fact using stability balls, rocker boards and other stability-challenging tools can be a "multiplier" in your athletic fitness training.

What makes the difference in whether stability tools help or hurt?

Simple: a proper understanding of when they should be introduced into a program, how to progress the athlete through the stages of stabilization training and how to avoid unnecessary risks in training stability.

Not sure how to incorporate stabilization training into your sports fitness program? Let us help you!

Click here:

We're here and ready to help you explode your sports fitness and performance!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Fear and Hope for Our Kids' Future!

This article is reprinted from the USA Today Monday, November 3, 2008.

It will shock and frighten you...but we have to fight back, for our kids!
This is a "war" we as a nation SIMPLY MUST WIN!

Read on after the article to see how All-Star Sports Academy intends to help you win!

Number of kids on medication jumps alarmingly

The number of children who take medication for chronic diseases has jumped dramatically, another troubling sign that many of the youngest Americans are struggling with obesity, doctors say.

The number of children who take pills for type 2 diabetes - the kind that's closely linked to obesity - more than doubled from 2002 to 2005, to a rate of six out of 10,000 children. That suggests that at least 23,000 privately insured children in the USA are now taking diabetes medications, according to authors of the new study in today's Pediatrics.

Doctors also saw big increases in prescriptions for high cholesterol, asthma and attention deficit and hyperactivity. There was smaller growth for drugs for depression and high blood pressure.

"We've got a lot of sick children," says author Emily Cox, senior director of research with Express Scripts, which administers drug benefit programs for private insurance plans. "What we've been seeing in adults, we're also now seeing in kids."

Type 2 diabetes was once known as adult-onset. But Cox says her records show kids as young as 5 being treated with prescription diabetes drugs.

Cox based her study on prescription records of nearly 4 million children a year, ages 5 to 19, covered by Express Scripts. She says her findings may not apply to the 40% of children who are uninsured or covered by government health plans.

Unless these children make major changes - such as eating healthier and exercising more - they could be facing a lifetime of illness, Cox says.

"These are not antibiotics that they take for seven to 10 days," Cox says. "These are drugs that many are taking for the rest of their lives."

Cox couldn't explain one surprising finding: Most of the increase in drugs for diabetes, attention deficit/hyperactivity and depression was seen in girls. The gender gap was most striking in diabetes: While the number of boys taking medication grew by 39%, the number of girls using them climbed by 147%, Cox found.

So how are we going to help in the fight against childhood obesity and all the diseases, dangers and risks to our kids that comes with it?

The answer is simple:

All-Star Sports Academy's revolutionary new fitness and wellness program made just for KIDZ!

If you're thinking "My kids hate to 'work out,'" YOU'RE RIGHT! Kids love to play games, be challenged, cooperate and compete, however, and that's what FitKidz is all about!

If you're thinking "My kids are way too athletic for something like this," YOU'RE WRONG! Sports and athletic movement is all about the very things we teach and reinforce at FitKidz sessions.

Do kids run, jump, crawl, hop, race, skip, throw, catch, push, pull, get on the floor or ground and get up again, carry things or any combination of these? OF COURSE!

Do these things happen in sports? OF COURSE!

Will your kids benefit from the FitKidz Fitness and Wellness for Kidz Program?


So what are you waiting for? Did you know that November is FitKidz Preview Month? You can enroll your kids in a trial week of FitKidz Sports Fitness and Wellness FOR FREE!!

Will they like it? How about this...WE GUARANTEE IT!!

Call us today at 732-597-3725 and enroll your kids for their preview month have absolutely nothing to lose.

Your kids, on the other hand, may have everything to lose...or gain!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Reduce Breast Cancer Risk by 35%!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

We all know this. We've seen the "Pink" campaigns and products.

But did you know that all the pink blenders and pink blowdryers and pink pajamas in the world won't lower the risk of breast cancer as well as something simpler and more elemental.


That's little as 3-4 hours of moderate to strenuous exercise a week will reduce the risk of breast cancer by up to 35%!

How might you get 3 hours of moderate to strenuous exercise a week without boring yourself to tears, you ask?

Try Power Fitness Camp for Women!

That's Power Fitness Camp for Women, you'll get all the important aspects of fitness in one fun, challenging workout!!

So fight breast cancer (and excess body fat!) Check it out today, and try it risk-free!

For more information about the studies showing the link between increased exercise and reduced breast cancer risk, try this article:

or this one:

Exercise and live longer!!!

See you at All-Star Sports Academy!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Teacher's Convention Basketball Camp!

All-Star Sports Academy&

Jersey Shore Hurricanes Basketball


2008 Teacher's Convention Drillz and Skillz Basketball Speed, Agility and Skills Camp!

November 6th & 7th, 2008, 9 AM to 1 PM at the North Dover Elementary School Gym!

Camp Fee only $75.00! (Current All-Star Sports Academy Athletes receive a 50% rebate - email us for details!)

In this unique, fun and highly effective 2 day camp:

You'll discover the fastest way to dramatically improve your vertical leap!

You'll uncover the keys to electrifying court speed!

You'll find out how the most accurate shooters in the game got that way!

You'll unearth the secrets to dominating "in the paint!"

You'll find out how you can become a slippery and elusive "ball thief!"

You'll expose the secrets of the best rebounders in the game!

You'll (finally) have the simplest and most effective injury prevention secrets known to the basketball world revealed to you!

Note!! Space in this camp is
strictly limited!! If you want to become a game-changing player, you need to be here!!

Call 732-597-3725 to register or go to: and follow the link to this Camp!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

3 Giant Reasons They Fail

Before I begin, I just want to say a heartfelt "Thank You" to all the athletes,kids, parents and coaches who have helped us grow and succeed as we have, in such a short time. We owe it all to you, and promise never to forget that!

Recently, the local franchise of Velocity Sports failed. Closed their doors and left clients cold. Yesterday, I read in our local paper that a well-known and respected Monmouth County trainer closed his training center and went to work for a gym. This gym says it's a "performance center, but admits it can't stay open without member dues from their "McFitness" side. Shouldn't performance centers focus on, well, performance?

In both cases, "the economy" took the blame. I've always believed that if you help people succeed and make progress, you will always outlast economic downturns.

There are 3 simple reasons why gym-McFitness-healthclubs-performancecenters-sportsfitnesscenters fail.

1. They focus on "training." I know a strength coach locally who is essentially a power lifting coach who applies that style to "solve" every performance problem in every sport.

Need more speed? Bigger squats and bench presses!

Need better direction changes? Bigger squats and bench presses!

Need more velocity on your shots, your pitches or your swing? Bigger squats and bench presses!

Do you see the problem here? The guy's a solid powerlifting coach, with trophies to prove it. Big deal! To the man whose only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail!

It's simple...don't "train"...teach, teach, teach!!

What does that? Simple: start younger, introduce critically important movement concepts and techniques and continue to reinforce them as the children get older.

Chain facilities and "strength coaches" take kids as young as 10 or 12 and have them working in "gym science" workouts, focusing on sets, reps and how much weight they move! These kids are working in maximal lift and absolute strength programs! My goodness!! Are they TRYING to get these kids hurt early?

This is not only a recipe for failure, it's the perfect road to sports burnout and repetitve injury patterns! Teach and reinforce movement, THEN you can "load" those well-performed movements later!

2. There's no "play" in their "training programs!" - Kids want to play! That's why they love sports, remember??

Organized sports have replaced the "free play" most of us enjoyed as kids. My colleague, Brian Grasso, CEO of the Int'l Youth Conditioning Assoc., said about play recently:

"I used to free play everyday of my life. Ride my bike to the park...Play baseball... Climb trees... Jump rope...Race my friends.

This was a normal 'day-in-the-life' for folks my age and older when we were kids.

And the effects were perfect.

Everything I just mentioned amounts to multi-lateral development.

Another way of saying that is amassing physical intelligence...

It's through this kind of free play experience that kids develop quality coordination, mobility & systemic strength.

But you know what, Phil, kids don't free play anymore.

They don't enjoy good quality PE classes anymore either.

And because of that, obesity is skyrocketing and injury rates in youth sports are going through the roof.

Without the intervention of high quality long-term development systems, where exactly are kids today going to receive the type of physical stimulus they need?"

You know what? I couldn't say it better myself! If you've ever watched an All-Star Sports Academy "training session," you've seen kids playing. You've seen athletes playing.

You've also seen them working their tails off and improving multi-directional movement patterns, multi-planar speed, power, agility, balance, coordination, endurance and strength. Real, whole body, sports strength!

That's because we remember that play is the reason their here! They want to play better! They want to play longer and healthier! Which brings me to reason #3 for the failure of "sports fitness" chains and trainers...

3. No return on parental investment! - Parents will do without a lot of things in order to give their kids the things they (parents) perceive to be important.

Some youth fitness professionals recognize this and respect it. All-Star Sports Academy is in that category.

Others see it as leverage to separate the parents from their money, using the kids as the lever. I know it sounds harsh, but that's the way I see it.

The failing sports fitness trainers wave their "success stories" around as if to say "if your kid doesn't train here, they'll never succeed like this or they'll wind up hurt...blahblahblah!"

Do you know what our "secret" is? We celebrate...and suffer with our athletes! When athletes and kids that we work with do well, we celebrate it with them! When things don't go so well, we let them know we feel it, too, and we try to help in any way we can.

They know we care, and they know we work for them. So do the parents we work with.

We recognize that many sports training centers either see themselves as a "luxury" and price their programs that way, then act as if their services are indispensable! They are completely clueless as to the economic challenges facing families, even when the economy is in excellent health!

We just won't do that! First, we want to bring our experience, programs and knowledge to as many kids as we can. To do that, Mom & Dad have to be able to fit it in the budget!

Second, we're just not that arrogant. We all have to look at ourselves in the mirror each day!

Parents, athletes and coaches are the reasons we exist! Without them, and without the support, feedback and ideas they provide us, we couldn't learn, grow and continue to provide the kind of high-quality, high return youth and sports fitness and skills training programs we provide!

The now-closed "sports fitness centers?" Well, after a conversation with the (soon to be former) owner of the chain franchise, and my experience in talking with other "strength coaches" and trainers...Let's just say that some who should "get it"...really don't!

Of course, now...some never will, some will go to work for others who don't get it and others...well maybe they'll pay attention to the things and people who really matter now...

Would you like a great youth fitness or sports fitness experience for you kids?

Give us a call at 732-597-3725 and find out what we have to offer. Or visit us on the web at: - the site's not quite done yet, but you'll still find some good stuff there!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Gimme back my gym dues!

If you belong to a "health club," you already know their business model flat out stinks!

If you don't, all you have to do is look at the tons of mail you get from the new, "hot" McFitness chain coming to your town or neighborhood.

Around here, it's the guys with the gaudy yellow equipment, the ones with the owners who want you to pay for their fitness business education or the ones with "fitness trainers" in their commercials who are barely dressed and educated to match their outfits.

If you go to McDonald's with money, you are going to get some food. If you go to a car dealer with money (or credit), you are going to get a car. Going in, you know what you want during both of these transactions, and unless the business is run by baboons, you're going to get what you came for!

What about when you join a "health club?" The gaudy yellow equipment clowns send mailers around bragging about how much equipment they have, their "cardio theaters," child care centers, juice bars (think 1,000 calorie milk shakes) and "group fitness studios."

Do you know what's missing from those advertising mailers?

What's missing is the assurance that you'll get the one thing for which you should be joining a "health club": HEALTH AND FITNESS!!!

You join McFitness and the "sales professional" (who was a high school student or janitor the week before) tells you that their "fitness training professionals" will design a "personalized" fitness program "guaranteed to work!"
The problem? Their "professionals" don't know a bicep from a bicuspid, a scapula from a scallop or functional movement from a bowel movement!

The "personalized program?" It's the same program "personalized" for the previous 243 members the "fitness professional" saw!

"Guaranteed to work?" Try asking for your money back after the program fails! And it will fail 99% of the time because of boredom, a lack of real challenge and no real,
Yes, I'm highly critical of big box gyms. I used to work for one, and I was critical of their complete lack of cogent programming or real client service then, too.

Now, I want all those big box, "McFitness" gyms to be really, really mad at me.

So here's what All-Star Sports Academy is going to do: we're going to pay you back for all the hours you wasted in the gym not getting what you paid for!

Enroll in Power Fitness Camp for Women for 6 months, show up, have fun and get in shape... and we'll pay your gym dues for those 6 months!

It's all explained on postcards you may have already seen around the Ocean County area that look like this:

What are you waiting for?

Call us today at 732-597-3725 and tell us "I want my gym dues back!"

We'll tell you how to get started ASAP.

C'mon! Have fun, get in great shape and help us p**s off the big box McFitness gyms that aren't getting the job done in the first place!!

Oh, did I mention that you'll get over $100 in fitness bonuses just for enrolling? Well, you will! T-shirts, cookbooks, fat loss guides and other stuff to help you get the body you deserve & feel great & have fun doing it!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Pre-Seas0n Training for "hoops"...because you asked!

Basketball season in our area is right around the corner. It starts right around Thanksgiving, and will run through March. As Sports Fitness Specialists, our task is to assist players in their quest to prepare for this grueling run.

The season is demanding; several games a week, long practices and little rest time. The beginning of the season can include 4 hour practices.

Needless to say, we're getting lots of requests for "Pre-Season" training, so we thought we'd share some of our training ideas with you.

Players must understand that in-season training will help maintain strength, speed, power and agility levels, but only if the player is properly prepared.

A basketball court is only about 30 yards long. Most of the highest-demand activity takes place within 8 feet of the basket. This is also where some brutal physical contact can occur.

So why would coaches “prepare” their players with high levels of slower, longer distance running?

Good question! The answer is probably one of the deadliest phrases in athletic conditioning: “That’s how we’ve always done it!” OUCH!

Think about the best teams in high school, college and even pro basketball. What’s the one weapon that’s deadlier than any other? SPEED! Especially multi-directional speed!

Combined with agility, full-body power and injury resistance, speed can help a player become a weapon of opponent destruction!

During the last 4 weeks before the season, it’s a good idea to structure a 4-5 day per week training program, splitting time between strength/power training, speed/agility training and flexibility/movement mechanics.

Typical strength/power training sessions will include functional and dynamic warm-up, flexibility training, movement mechanics training and joint stability/mobility work, and circuit training variations that incorporate full-body strength workouts.

Circuit training helps acclimate the players to a high volume of work and is specific to the requirements of pre-season practice. Variations may include timed work/rest stations, gross-rep programs completed in minimal time and volume loading variations to create anaerobic and aerobic intensity.

Core training is incorporated into strength training days, with an emphasis on lumbar stability during rotational movements, as well as frontal plane movement and load deceleration. This mimics what happens in traffic when bodies collide, and when players need to explode out of a crowd for a shot or rebound.

Generally, athletes would perform speed & agility workouts, either supervised or self-managed (that depends on the temperament of the athlete), on the other 2 days of the week.

These workouts include speed & agility exercises that last only 5-10 seconds at a time. Each exercise is performed at maximal effort with 10-20 seconds of rest. The goal of the speed and agility workout in the final weeks of pre-season is not for cardiovascular conditioning, rather, to work on the efficiency of movements that will translate to the basketball court.

Conditioning, or aerobic/anaerobic endurance development during sport-specific activities, is crucial during the pre-season phase of any sport. Basketball is no different.

It’s appropriate to use shuttle and interval drills to develop sprint endurance during this phase. This should not, however, be confused with speed and agility work. Shuttle and interval drills develop endurance; speed and agility work reinforces good functional movement patterns during high speed, highly dynamic sports movement.

Shuttle distances of 150 and 300 yards seem to work well. Work time for 150 yards should be 24-30 seconds, with 300 yards taking 57-63 seconds. A work to rest ratio of 3:1 is suitable.

Interval running can be done in 100-110 yard, 200-220 yard or 300-330 yard bursts.

Use a work to rest ratio of 1:2 or 1:2.5 for the 300-330 yard work, and 1:3 to 1:3.5 for the shorter ranges. Shorter distances will allow for more intensity in sprinting, and it’s important for the neuromuscular system to recover at least nominally before repeating.

A well conceived, well managed pre-season preparation program will maximize the last 4-6 weeks before the season begins. This will let the player, and the team, start the season with full energy and force.

From there, a combination of good team leadership, smart coaching, hard play and a good in-season training program will carry the team to its’ goals.

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